
1902, местечко Гриво Курляндской губернии – 1974, Ленинград

Collective Farm Woman

Between 1930 and 1932

  • oil on canvas. 40 x 38
  • ЖС-1901

  • Received in 1932 from the exhibition Soviet Fine Art of the Reconstruction Period (Russian Museum)

This picture belongs to a series of portraits of collective farm workers painted by Malagis in the early 1930s. Such series are typical of the early 1930s when the practice of making artistic trips to areas of “industrial and collective construction” became widespread. The people portrayed here and throughout the artist’s entire gallery of faces are not so much individuals as types. Good, simple people, sure of the importance of their work, look openly and optimistically to the future. Malagis achieves this effect by putting the figures in the foreground, usually facing front, making them as close as possible to the viewer.

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