The exhibition "The Golden Crown", dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanovs, was created in 2013 in the Church History Museum of the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian city of Cheboksary. Over the past 4 years, it was exhibited at many exhibition grounds in Chuvashia. Since December 16, 2016 the mobile exhibition "Golden Crown" is presented in the secondary school No. 56.
The exposition devoted to the family history of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II arouses interest and sympathy among students of different age groups. Guides on the exhibition are students of 7 "A" class, under the guidance of the teacher M.V. Petrova. The guys did a lot of preparatory work to study the historical material and develop the content and scenario of the excursion. The exhibition presents copies of photographic documents from the history of the Romanov family. Students can trace not only the life course of the family of Nicholas II from the royal crown to the last days of the family life, but also his activities in the state field. Excursions are held in an interesting form, everyone can visit the exhibition.
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