Virtual Branches

Informational-educational center "The Russian Museum: the Virtual Branch"

The Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church

Common information

Opened on 11.02.2016

The Church of the New Martyrs and New Russian Confessors of the Russian Church was laid and consecrated by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II in the memory of the faithful children of Russian Orthodox Church, who suffered from the faith of Soviet Union in the 20-th century. The temple was built in the 90-th of the 20-th century, the temple became a home to many people, who love Cheboksary, who sought spiritual enlightment and guidance. The Sunday school and parish library were organised from the first years of the temple’s work. The library’s fund has currently 15 000 of books and periodicals. The informational and educational centre: "Russian museum:virtual branch" in the museum’s and library’s center of the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church gives everybody an opportuniry to become a part of international cultural community. The rich project Library - the library of media programs and films - will enable all parishioners to get acquainted with the history of the fine arts, history and cultrure of Russia,presented in the works of artists from the Russian Museum and other art museums of Russia



All pulications

Address: 4 Traktorostroiteley street, Cheboksary
Opening hours : Daily 10am - 6pm. Closed on Thursday and Friday
Phone: +(8352) 54-80-48

Демкина Марина Юрьевна

8 9053478604

Павлова Татьяна Юрьевна


Денисова Вера Васильевна

Васильев Алексей

Илларионова Екатерина Владимировна


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