
17 April 2017 Cheboksary, Church

Excursions on Easter week

On Monday, the Easter Light Week, the Virtual Branch of the Russian Museum at the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Museum was visited by the children of the preparatory group \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \"Narspi \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" DOW \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \"Kindergarten No. 49 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \". And also on this day with the temple and resources of the parish library the students of 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \"B \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" class of the school № 40 met together with the teacher. The young guests inspected the library and inspected all the museum halls telling about the history of the Orthodox Church in Chuvashia.During the excursion, the children also looked at the books dedicated to the Feast of the Passover, the artistic composition of the wool \"Resurrection of Christ\" by the artist Svetlana Andreeva.

«Виртуальный Русский музей» в социальных сетях: