25 June 2017
Charity festival "SOLONS" in the Altai Republic
June 25, 2017 in Gorno-Altaisk was started an environmental charity festival "Solons."
The festival was held in the Republic of Altai for the second time. The festival was made possible by SISTEMA Charity Fund and the support of the companies that are members of the Joint Stock Financial Corporation SISTEMA.
In 2007 the Russian Museum became a partner of the festival. Museum gave 20 high-resolution photos of I. Aivazovsky's works from it's collection for the creation of an exhibition of reproductions. Partners of the Russian Museum by the project "The Russian Museum: Virtual Branch" were invited to participate in the festival. The National Museum Of A.Anokhin and Gorno-Altai City Library, whose staff have proposed guided tours of the exhibition of Aivazovsky's reproductions on the central square of Gorno-Altaisk .
- The SISTEMA Charity Fund
- The State Russian Museum
- The National Museum Of A.Anokhin
- The City Library of Gorno-Altai
tags cloud
- #opening_of_a_branch
- #lecture
- #exhibition
- #virtual_exhibition
- #virtual_tour
- #online_exhibition
- #мультимедийная_выставка
- #poster_exhibition
- #online_event
- #masterclass
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- #festival
- #video_conference
- #round_table
- #conference
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- #дошкольники
- #школьники
- #студенты
- #семья
- #серебряный_возраст
- #инклюзия
- #multimedia
- #Business_meeting_of_virtual_brances
- #The_Multimedia_Centre
- #Drammatika
- #ночьмузеевВФРМ
- #РусскомуМузею125лет
- #RussianMuseum120
- #RMcatalogues
- #Библионочь
- #книгиГРМ2019
- #игрыРМ
- #фильмыРМ
- #ночьискусствВФРМ
- #Artefact
- #100years_restorationRM
- #Peter_I_350
- #Antarctica200
- #folk_art
- #profession_restorer
- #RM_anniversary
- #SPb_anniversary