On June 29, the church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia was visited by children from the school summer camp No. 29 together with their teachers Alexandrova MN, Mikhailova NP, Belova TA. Guests were offered an excursion and educational program for visiting the Church Historical Museum. Young visitors learned about the life of Metropolitan Varnavas, Archbishops Nicolae and Veniamin. The guys studied the first hall with attention, which helped them to tell them about the Christian enlightenment of the Chuvash people in the 16th century. After acquaintance with the museum exposition, the children were offered a quiz about the history of the Orthodox Church in Chuvashia. As a result of the survey, the rector of the church, Archimandrite Guriy, presented each young researcher of the museum with a diploma "Young Friend of the Church Museum". At the end of the program, the children inspected the church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, where they learned the history of the temple shrine - the Iveron Icon of the Blessed Virgin.
The event was held within the framework of the "Ring to All Bells" project with the support of the International Grant Competition "Orthodox Initiative 2016- 2017".
The Church-Historical Museum, the Virtual Branch of the Russian Museum and the library are open every day from 10 am to 6 pm (break: 14.00-14.30).Applications for group excursions by phone: 8 917 656
Church and History Museum
Virtual Branch of the Russian Museum, the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian
International grant competition "Orthodox Initiative 2016- 2017".
tags cloud
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