On July 23, the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia took piligrims from the Krasnodar region, performing the historical and piligrim route "North of Russia". The head of a group of piligrims - Archpriest Sergei Rybkin, is the head of the Michael Archangel Church in the Trudobelikovskii Farm of Krasnodar region and Chairman of the spiritual and educational association "Cathedral of the Archangel." The piligrimage was organized by the association with the blessing of Metropolitan of the Ekaterinodar and Kuban Isidor and Metropolitan of Tver and Kashin Victor. Association "Archangel Cathedral" have organised piligrimage routes within the historical and patriotic project "Native expanses": Ladoga, North Russia, the Urals, the Russian South for the past 5 years.
The event was held within the framework of the project "Ring all bells!" with the support of the International Grant Competition "Orthodox Initiative 2016- 2017".
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