On July 16th,there was a lesson in the Virtual Russian Museum hold for children on modeling of plasticine. The artist Elena Avelieva taught the guys how to make an aquarium for the game. Children with enthusiasm sculpted seaweed, rolled stones, cut out seashells. As a result, they turned out cute little aquariums that would decorate their home playing corner or become a pleasant gift to their relatives.
At the end of the lesson, the children, together with the teacher and employees of the Virtual Russian Museum, drank tea and said goodbye until next week.
We invite all the guys to the classes of the teacher Elena Avelieva. Every Sunday at 11:00 we gladly accept all children and teach them to create beauty.
International grant competition "Orthodox Initiative 2016-2017".
Church History Museum.
Temple of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian city of Cheboksary
tags cloud
- #opening_of_a_branch
- #lecture
- #exhibition
- #virtual_exhibition
- #virtual_tour
- #online_exhibition
- #мультимедийная_выставка
- #poster_exhibition
- #online_event
- #masterclass
- #contest
- #занятие
- #festival
- #video_conference
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- #школьники
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- #Business_meeting_of_virtual_brances
- #The_Multimedia_Centre
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- #ночьмузеевВФРМ
- #РусскомуМузею125лет
- #RussianMuseum120
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- #книгиГРМ2019
- #игрыРМ
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- #ночьискусствВФРМ
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- #100years_restorationRM
- #Peter_I_350
- #Antarctica200
- #folk_art
- #profession_restorer
- #RM_anniversary
- #SPb_anniversary