A multimedia movie theater hosted a regular film show for the youngest students of the Children's Art School No. 1 named after V.E. Tatlin. Today they heard the story of Fafali about the work of the famous seascapes painter I.K. Aivazovsky.
Aivazovsky was primarily a marine painter. Often the plot of the picture is only a pretext for writing sea waves, as, for example, in the painting "Napoleon on St. Helena", where the figure of Napoleon occupies an insignificant space on the canvas. The method of the artist's work consisted in the fact that he did not paint his paintings from life, but restored them from memory, using schematic drawings.
In 1845, a marine geographic expedition led by FP Litke, which included Ivan Konstantinovich, went to the shores of Asia Minor. Then Constantinople conquered the artist. After the end of the expedition, he wrote a large number of works, including those with views of Constantinople.
The end of the forties and the first half of the fifties of the XIX century were marked by a number of major events for the artist, which had a decisive influence on the further development of his work and on the fate of Feodosia herself: marriage in 1848, the construction of an art workshop in Feodosia (the school of painting in the Crimea), the first archaeological excavations in Feodosia in 1853. In 1850 he wrote the famous painting "The Ninth Wave", which is now in the State Russian Museum. It was not only a synthesis of his work in the previous decade, but also the most brilliant work of the romantic trend in Russian painting.
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