
12 May 2022 Penza

Portrait painter Borovikovsky Vladimir Lukich

Senior schoolchildren of the V.E.Tatlin Secondary School No. 1 in Penza got acquainted with the work of the portrait painter V.L. Borovikovsky.
Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky (1757-1825) introduced new features into Russian portrait art: an increased interest in the world of human feelings and moods, the assertion of a person's moral duty to society and family. Since the 2nd half of the 1790s, the features of sentimentalism have been vividly expressed in Borovikovsky's portraits. Vladimir Borovikovsky develops, in contrast to the official estate portrait, a type of image of a "private" person with his simple, natural feelings, manifested most fully away from the "light", in the bosom of nature. Gentle, faded color, light, transparent writing, smooth, melodic rhythms create a lyrical atmosphere of dreamy elegy. Borovikovsky's images, especially in female portraits, with all the difference between the fresh and vividly captured individual appearance of the model, are marked by a common idyllic mood. With the greatest completeness, the ideal of a pure, poetically sublime soul capable of deep feelings and experiences was embodied by the artist in the Portrait of M. I. Lopukhina (1797). Soft and gentle sadness, languid melancholy permeate the entire artistic fabric of the work.

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