
PETROV-VODKIN Kuzma Sergeyevich

1878, Khvalynsk (Saratov Province) - 1939, Leningrad

Painter, graphic artist, writer on art, history painter, portraitist. Studied at the Baron Stieglitz Central School of Technical Drawing (1895-97), under Abram Arkhipov and Valentin Serov at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1897-1904), at Anton Aube''s school in Munich (1901) and private academies in Paris. Contributed to exhibitions (from 1898). Contributed to the Salon d''Automne (1906-07, 1908), Sergei Makovsky Salon (1909), Union of Russian Artists (1909, 1910), Golden Fleece (1909), Union of Youth (1910), World of Art (191124), Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition (1912), First Free Exhibition of Works of Art (1919), Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (1923, 1928), Four Arts (1925-29), World Exhibition in Brussels (1910) and the International Exhibitions in Rome (1911), Malmo (1914) and Venice (1924, 1928). Taught at the Elizaveta Zvantseva School of Painting and Drawing in St Petersburg (1910-15) and the Free Art Studios/Academy of Arts (1918-38). Honoured Artist of Russia (1930).

Collection of the Russian Museum
Art type:

Total: 147
Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500
Outdoors at Night
Outdoors at Night
Female Portrait. Two Artist’s Models
Female Portrait. Two Artist’s Models
Seated Artist’s Model. Artists in the Workshop
Seated Artist’s Model. Artists in the Workshop
Seated Woman
Seated Woman
Black Woman
Black Woman
In the Oasis (African Village)
In the Oasis (African Village)
Portrait of Maria Petrova-Vodkina
Portrait of Maria Petrova-Vodkina
Portrait of an Artist’s Model
Portrait of an Artist’s Model
Portrait of an Artist’s Model
Portrait of an Artist’s Model
Seated Artist’s Model
Seated Artist’s Model
Seated Woman
Seated Woman
Spanish Woman (Female Portrait)
Spanish Woman (Female Portrait)
Town of Constantine. Algeria
Town of Constantine. Algeria
Woman Kneeling
Woman Kneeling
В студии. Париж
В студии. Париж
Дворик (У Мартэна. Пиренеи)
Дворик (У Мартэна. Пиренеи)
Other museums
Art type:

Total: 2
Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500
Red Army Commanding Officers
Red Army Commanding Officers
Ilya Mashkov Museum of Fine Arts, Volgograd
Девочка за партой
Девочка за партой
Астраханская государственная картинная галерея им. П. М. Догадина

The Mediateka

Year: 2022 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 16:28
Year: 2018 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian, English

Virtual tour of the exhibition, held in the Russian Museum from September 14  to November 20, 2017.

Year: 2018 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian, English

Virtual tour of the exhibition, held in the Russian Museum from May 24 to August 20, 2018.

Year: 2009 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2009 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00

View all events and lectures in the Multimedia Cinema

Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. Graphic art. A Lecture

Н. М. Козырева

06 September 2018

Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. Painting. A Meeting with the curator

О. Н. Мусакова

04 September 2018

Circle of Petrov-Vodkin . A Lecture

А. Д. Боровский

02 June 2016

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