
1787, Pskov - 1855, St Petersburg

Painter, draughtsman, engraver. Studied architecture under Jean-Francois Thomas de Thomons and landscape painting under Fyodor Alexeyev and possibly under Mikhail Ivanov at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1798-1809). Awarded second silver medals (1806, 1807), first silver medal (1808), first gold medal and first-class degree (1809). Reputedly joined Fyodor Alexeyev''s expedition to paint views of central Russian towns (1810-12). Academician (1814). Painted views of the environs of Moscow for the Imperial Academy of Arts (1817) and studies for the court during the Russo-Turkish War (1828). Mostly painted Italian views during the last years of his life. Taught at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1815-55), professor (1823), headed the perspective painting class and landscape class (from 1826). Academy councillor for perspective painting (1827), professor emeritus (1843).

Collection of the Russian Museum
Art type:

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The Mediateka

Year: 2003 | An interactive program | Language: Russian

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