
1732 (1735), Moscow -1808, Moscow

Portrait of Count Alexei Bobrinsky, Illegitimate Son of Catherine II and Count Grigory Orlov, in Childhood


  • oil on canvas. 59.5 x 47
  • Ж-4743

  • Пост.: 1934 из ГМР; ранее (1920-е) – ЛГЗК (Елагиноостровский дворец)

Alexey Bobrinsky (1762- 1813) was the bastard son of Catherine the Great and Count Grigory Orlov and forefather of the Bobrinsky line. He was named after the area of land bestowed on him in 1763. The portrait hung in the private chambers of Catherine II. The Empress's son is wearing a dress, as was the norm, and holding a rattle. His hat, however, is not unlike a military cocked hat, and the red velvet cushion points to the child's Imperial provenance and future military career. Play and Passion in Russian Fine Art. St-Petersburg. 1999. P. 21.


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