
1799, St Petersburg -1852, Manziana (near Rome)

Portrait of the Shishmareva Sisters


  • oil on canvas. 281 x 213
  • Ж-5091

  • Пост. в 1897 из Александровского дворца (Царское село); ранее - в Аничковом дворце (Санкт-Петербург); ранее (до 1870) - в собр. В.А.Кокорева (Москва)

The Shishmareva sisters were the granddaughters of Savva Yakovlev, one of the wealthiest merchants in St Petersburg. This is one of Karl Brullov’s finest works of official portraiture. The painting demonstrates the artist’s talent for masterly compositions and his rich and refined palette.

Alexandra Afanasievna Shishmareva (?–1893, first married name Chernysheva, second married name Durasova) and Olga Afanasievna Shishmareva (dates of birth and death unknown, married name Olsufieva): Daughters of Afanasy Shishmarev. Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 136.

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