1831, Берлин — 1918, Гатчина Санкт-Петербургской губернии
Huntsman with Three Borzois
- oil on canvas. 112 х 85,5
- Ж-6090
Пост. в 1931 из Александровского дворца-музея- Из собрания Александра Третьего в Александровском дворце
Location in museum
The Stroganov Palace,
The Room with a Wooden Fireplace
Open the panorama of the hall in the virtual tour
- Period Late 19th century
- Genre Painting
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Among a number of hunting scenes painted by Rudolf Frentz, the emotional character of Hunter with Three Borzois distinguishes it from the rest. Play and Passion in Russian Fine Art. St-Petersburg. 1999. P. 300.
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