
1856, Omsk - 1910, St Petersburg


Decorative panel. 1893

  • Canvas, oil. 319 x 134 (rectangle with a rounded top part)
  • Ж-1829

  • Пост. в 1908 от В. В. фон Мекка, Москва; ранее – собрание К. Д. Арцыбушева, Москва

The subjects of many of his works were inspired by his own memories of his stay in Italy in 1884–1885. There M.A. Vrubel studied medieval mosaics and stained-glass windows of San Marco and the Church of St. Mary. In this beautiful country he became acquainted with the works of such masters of the early Renaissance as Carpaccio, Giovanni Bellini, Cima de Conegliano.

The panel was created for the house of K.G. and E. D. Duncker in Moscow, but was rejected by the commissioners and purchased by K. D. Artsybushev.

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