Senior schoolchildren of V.E.Tatlin Secondary School No. 1 in Penza got acquainted with the architectural masterpieces of St. Petersburg, including the architectural monuments of the Russian Museum.
At the beginning of the 18th century, having laid the first stone of the Peter and Paul Fortress, Tsar Peter the Great founded the city of St. Petersburg. Russia was beginning to move into Europe, and St. Petersburg became a "window" that looked in its direction. Due to the fact that Russian, Italian, German, French and Dutch architects worked in the city at the same time, it acquired its own special style, in which Western motifs are combined with national identity.
At the time when St. Petersburg was founded, the Baroque style began to acquire more and more importance. It was the architecture of the XVIII century that formed the architectural image of St. Petersburg, which is known all over the world and is the canon of Russian architecture of that period.
The XIX century was marked by the dominance of the classicism style. Examples of architecture of this period are the Mikhailovsky Palace, the Kazan Cathedral, the Academy of Arts, a complex of buildings on Rossi Street. The architecture of the classical era is a new solution that combines simplicity, rigor of forms and convenience of layout. Characteristic features, in addition to the appeal to antiquity, is the unification and thoughtfulness of the entire architectural complex (Rossi Street, the main squares of the city). This is a calm grace and the assertion of imperial power without too much pathos. This period is often called the golden age of architecture.
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