
1838, Kursk - 1869, Kursk

Hosting the Boyar (Prince Serebryany Visiting Boyar Morozov)


  • oil on wood. 31 x 27
  • Ж-11638

  • Пост. в 1987, источник поступления неизвестен

The moral charter of domestic life, Domostroi, written in the 16th century by the Novgorod priest Silvester, condemned Russian women to seclusion. In Rus before the Peter the Great, noblemen did not allow strangers to see their wives and daughters. Only the friendliest of relations with the man of the house would open the door to the female tower. Then the "kissing ceremony" took place. The hostess emerged, festively dressed, carrying a flagon of wine. Putting the wine to her lips and bowing, she served the honoured guest. The host also bowed and asked the guest to kiss his wife and the keeper of his home. At the end of the hospitality ritual, the guests were presented with expensive scarves.

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