Home page СправочникиКлассификаторы (атрибуты) предметов коллекцииМатериалы и техники Wood Wood All items Period: All All Old Russian Art 17th century 18th century Early 19th century Late 19th century Late 19th century – Early 20th century Early 20th century Late 20th century – 21st century Total: 1210 Sort: in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in descending order) by author (in alphabetical order) Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 The Mother of God of Tenderness of the White LakeFirst half of the 13th century Богоматерь Умиление (Старорусская) The Angel with Golden HairCirca 1200 Apostles Peter and PaulBeginning of the 13th century Святой Николай Чудотворец, с избранными святыми на фоне и полях Собор Архангела Михаила Sts. John of the Ladder, George and BlasiusSecond half of 13th century Святой Николай Чудотворец Никола поясной, с житием в двенадцати клеймах Святой Николай Чудотворец, с житием в 16 клеймах Царские врата («Лихачевские») Введение во храм Deesis Miracle of St.George and the Dragon, with Scenes from his Life Апостол Петр Архангел Михаил Богоматерь Христос Вседержитель Иоанн Предтеча Апостол Павел Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 50012345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061 Masterpieces Period: All All Old Russian Art 18th century Early 19th century Late 19th century Late 19th century – Early 20th century Early 20th century Late 20th century – 21st century Total: 57 Sort: in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in descending order) by author (in alphabetical order) Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 The Angel with Golden HairCirca 1200 Apostles Peter and PaulBeginning of the 13th century Святой Николай Чудотворец, с избранными святыми на фоне и полях Sts. John of the Ladder, George and BlasiusSecond half of 13th century Святой Николай Чудотворец, с житием в 16 клеймах Deesis Miracle of St.George and the Dragon, with Scenes from his Life St Boris and St GlebMid-14th century Иоанн Предтеча из Деисусного чина1387–1395 Сошествие во Ад The Raising of LazarusLate 14th - Early 15th century Спас Вседержитель («Ярое око») / Спас оплечный Rublev A.St Paul. From Deisus TierCirca 1408 Rublev A.St Peter. From Deisus Tier. MoscowCirca 1408 Rublev A.Крещение Rublev A.Сретение Great Martir Demetrios of ThessalonicaSecond quarter of 15th century The Archangel Michaеl from the Deesis TierMid- 15th century The Raising of Lazarus, The Old Testament Trinity, The Purification, STs. John the Theologian and Prochorus. Four-parts iconAbout 1497 Господь Вседержитель (Спас в силах), из деисусного чина Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500123 О материале/технике «Виртуальный Русский музей» в социальных сетях: