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Total: 19
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Sts. John of the Ladder, George and Blasius
Sts. John of the Ladder, George and Blasius
Second half of 13th century
Miracle of St.George and the Dragon, with Scenes from his Life
Miracle of St.George and the Dragon, with Scenes from his Life
Святые Николай Чудотворец и Георгий Победоносец
Святые Николай Чудотворец и Георгий Победоносец
Miracle of St.George and the Dragon
Miracle of St.George and the Dragon
Miracle of St George and the Dragon
Miracle of St George and the Dragon
First half of the 16th century
The Miracle of the Icon of the Holy Sign (Battle between the Novgorodians and Suzdalites)
The Miracle of the Icon of the Holy Sign (Battle between the Novgorodians and Suzdalites)
Early 16th century
Святой Георгий
Святой Георгий
Чудо святого Георгия о змие
Чудо святого Георгия о змие
Чудо Георгия о змие, с житием в 16 клеймах
Чудо Георгия о змие, с житием в 16 клеймах
Георгий и Димитрий Солунский
Георгий и Димитрий Солунский
Воскресение Христово (девятичастная)
Воскресение Христово (девятичастная)
Георгий Победоносец
Георгий Победоносец
Георгий Победоносец
Георгий Победоносец
Георгий Победоносец
Георгий Победоносец
Мученичество святого Георгия
Мученичество святого Георгия
Христос во славе с предстоящими святыми Александром Невским и Георгием Победоносцем
Христос во славе с предстоящими святыми Александром Невским и Георгием Победоносцем
St George (II)
St George (II)
Эскиз надгробия А. В. Тищенко
Эскиз надгробия А. В. Тищенко

Total: 5
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Sts. John of the Ladder, George and Blasius
Sts. John of the Ladder, George and Blasius
Second half of 13th century
Miracle of St.George and the Dragon, with Scenes from his Life
Miracle of St.George and the Dragon, with Scenes from his Life
Miracle of St.George and the Dragon
Miracle of St.George and the Dragon
The Miracle of the Icon of the Holy Sign (Battle between the Novgorodians and Suzdalites)
The Miracle of the Icon of the Holy Sign (Battle between the Novgorodians and Suzdalites)
Early 16th century
Чудо святого Георгия о змие
Чудо святого Георгия о змие

The Mediateka

Year: 2005 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2004 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian

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