Home page СправочникиКлассификаторы (атрибуты) предметов коллекцииМатериалы и техники Velvet Velvet All items Period: All All Old Russian Art 18th century Early 19th century Late 19th century Late 19th century – Early 20th century Total: 34 Sort: in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in descending order) by author (in alphabetical order) Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 Шитая икона «Давид и Соломон» Евангелие тетр, напрестольное1627 Складень-кузовок1680 Складень1690 Female Festive Costume18th century Povoinik (headdress)18th century Kokoshnik with OchelyeLast third of the 18th century Maiden’s Crown HeaddressLate 18th century KokoshnikLate 18th century KokoshnikLate 18th century Female Festive Costume19th century Kokoshnik19th century Lestovka19th century Maiden’s Festive Costume19th century Old Believers’ Female Costume19th century Ribbons19th century Ribbons19th century Корзинка Передник Фелонь. Парча русская Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 50012 Masterpieces Total: 2 Sort: in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in descending order) by author (in alphabetical order) Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 Kholmogory"Seasons". A Casket First third of the 19th century Ростов Великий (Ярославская губерния/область)Вид Ростовского кремля Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 О материале/технике «Виртуальный Русский музей» в социальных сетях: