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Medal Commemorating the Building of the Four Fleets in 1711
Medal Commemorating the Building of the Four Fleets in 1711
Medal Commemorating the Naval Victory at Gangut
Medal Commemorating the Naval Victory at Gangut
Medal Commemorating the Naval Victory at Gangut in 1714
Medal Commemorating the Naval Victory at Gangut in 1714
Medal Commemorating the Capture of Nyenschantz in 1703
Medal Commemorating the Capture of Nyenschantz in 1703
1 rouble coin, 1718. Peter the Great
1 rouble coin, 1718. Peter the Great
Medal for the Pacification of the State
Medal for the Pacification of the State
One-Ruble Coin of 1718
One-Ruble Coin of 1718
Medal Commemorating the Signing of the Treaty of Nystad in 1721
Medal Commemorating the Signing of the Treaty of Nystad in 1721
Medal to the Coronation of Catherine I
Medal to the Coronation of Catherine I
Medal to the Coronation of Catherine I in 1724
Medal to the Coronation of Catherine I in 1724
Second half of the 18th century
One-Ruble Coin of 1724
One-Ruble Coin of 1724
1 rouble coin, 1725. Peter the Great
1 rouble coin, 1725. Peter the Great
Medal Commemorating the Death of Peter the Great
Medal Commemorating the Death of Peter the Great
One-Ruble Coin of 1725
One-Ruble Coin of 1725
Medal Commemorating the Capture of Azov in 1696
Medal Commemorating the Capture of Azov in 1696

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About collection

The history of the formation of the collection of numismatics is closely tied in with the founding of the museum itself. Coins were already being acquired back in 1897 for the Alexander III Memorial Department in the future museum. These included medals and coins minted during his reign. The sphere of interests of the department was, however, later extended. Additions to its rich collection continue to this day. It now boasts some 70,000 coins and banknotes, as well as medals and orders produced from the fifteenth century onwards.

The Mediateka

Year: 2021 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian

Virtual tour of the exhibition, held in the Russian Museum from 12 March to 14 September 2020.

Year: 2019 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian

Virtual tour of the exhibition, held in the Russian Museum from 13 February to 12 June 2019.

Year: 2019 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian

Virtual tour of the exhibition, held in the Russian Museum from 15 February to 28 May 2018.

Year: 2016 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian, English

The programme was developed based on the temporary exhibition Peter the Great: His Era and His Inner Circle, which took place in the Russian Museum from December 17, 2015 to April 3, 2016.

Year: 2015 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2007 | An interactive program | Language: Russian

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