Virtual Branches

Informational-educational center "The Russian Museum: the Virtual Branch"

The Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts

Common information

Opened on 27.10.2016

The Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts is one of the leading centres of training of architects, town-planners, broad specialist in design and muralists (painters and sculptors). One of the missions of the university - popularisation of art and culture, the history of the Siberian architecture, design and art works of the Siberian artists. There are two museums in the university: the Museum of the history of architecture of Siberia named after S.N.Balandin and History Museum of Design named after Yu.M.Kosov. 



Tours of a virtual branch

История Новосибирского государственного университета архитектуры, дизайна и искусств имени А.Д. Крячкова

Address: 38 Krasny prospect, Novosibirsk
Opening hours : Monday-Friday from 10 am to 5 pm, Day off: Saturday, Sunday
Phone: 8 913 468 80 80 - Lecture-hall, 8 913 458 75 56 - Information
Head of the virtual branch: Шавшина Ирина Петровна

Шавшина Ирина Петровна

+7(383) 209-17-50, доп. 1531; +7(913) 921-32-72

Трофимов Виталий Ильич

+7(383)209-17-50, доп. 1201

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