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The Department of Contemporary Art was opened at the Russian Museum in the late 1980s. The department collects and exhibits new and often unconventional art forms -- installations, objects, assemblages, video art, photography and photo-based art. Many works find their way into the collection directly from exhibitions. The first major acquisition was in 1990, following the Territory of Art show curated by the Russian Museum in collaboration with the Institut des Hautes Etudes et Arts Plastiques.
The Russian Museum not only displays modern art; it also plays a fundamental role in the contemporary art process. The museum has always aimed to be in the thick of events, reflecting the diversity of modern art in its own collection. One of the main tasks of the Russian Museum is now to fill in the gaps still existing in its collection, acquiring works that were either banned or officially frowned upon during the Soviet period.
The Mediateka
In 1994 famous German collectors Peter and Irene Ludwig gifted their collection of art of the second half of the XX-th century to the State Russian musuem. This gift resulted in a special part of the permanent exhibition «The Ludwig Museum at the Russian Museum» which hosted its first visitors on the 20 March, 1995 at the Marble Palace.
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Мастерская реставрации современных арт-объектов. Из программы «Профессия - реставратор»
16 June 2022
Лекция о выставке «Поколение тридцатилетних в современном русском искусстве»
М.В. Салтанова
14 December 2021
Финисаж выставки «Механический балет». Художники видеоарта в Центре мультимедиа Русского музея
А. И. Карлова, О. В. Туркина
05 March 2020
«День полный надежды» Татьяны Ахметгалиевой
О. В. Туркина, А. И. Карлова, М.В. Салтанова
28 November 2019
Chronicles of the declared death. The art, as we know it, is nearing its end
А. А. Курбановский
23 May 2019
Лекция "Петербургское искусство 2000-х годов. Галереи, конкурсы, проекты"
А. И. Карлова
26 February 2019
«Пабло Пикассо и искусство XX века». Экспертные выступления
А. Д. Боровский, Хосе Мария Луна Агилар, И. А. Доронченков, А. Г. Бойко
17 November 2017
Лекция "Музей Людвига, как первый музей современного искусства современной России"
М.В. Салтанова
26 March 2013