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The Miracle of the Icon of the Holy Sign (Battle between the Novgorodians and Suzdalites)
The Miracle of the Icon of the Holy Sign (Battle between the Novgorodians and Suzdalites)
Early 16th century
Картина «Баталия»
Картина «Баталия»
Portrait of Count Boris Sheremetev
Portrait of Count Boris Sheremetev
Late 17th century
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
1697 (?)
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
The capture of Azov in 1696
The capture of Azov in 1696
Вид Нарвы, когда Карл XII разбил Петра I
Вид Нарвы, когда Карл XII разбил Петра I
Плафон овальный «Амур, несущий латы»
Плафон овальный «Амур, несущий латы»
Плафон овальный «Триумф Петра I»
Плафон овальный «Триумф Петра I»
Ширма из четырех створок
Ширма из четырех створок
Capture of Azov
Capture of Azov
After 1702
Взятие Нотебурга
Взятие Нотебурга
Штаны (к капитанскому мундиру)
Штаны (к капитанскому мундиру)
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Early 18th century
Конный портрет светлейшего князя А.Д. Меншикова
Конный портрет светлейшего князя А.Д. Меншикова
Portrait of Field Marshal Boris Sheremetev
Portrait of Field Marshal Boris Sheremetev
After 1710
Portrait of Peter the Great
Portrait of Peter the Great

Total: 53
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Portrait of Aleksey Lanskoi
Portrait of Aleksey Lanskoi
Portrait of Mikhail Lanskoi
Portrait of Mikhail Lanskoi
Портрет А. Р. Томилова (в форме ополченца)
Портрет А. Р. Томилова (в форме ополченца)
Portrait of Alexander Dmitriyev-Mamonov
Portrait of Alexander Dmitriyev-Mamonov
Mikhailovsky Palace
Mikhailovsky Palace
Портрет В. А. Корнилова на борту брига "Фемистокл"
Портрет В. А. Корнилова на борту брига "Фемистокл"
Parade Celebrating the End of Millitary Action in the Kingdom of Poland on Tsaritsa Meadow in St Petersburg on 6 October 1831
Parade Celebrating the End of Millitary Action in the Kingdom of Poland on Tsaritsa Meadow in St Petersburg on 6 October 1831
Portrait of Alexei Yermolov
Portrait of Alexei Yermolov
The Heroism of Leonty Korenoi, Grenadier of the Finland Life Gurds Regiment, at the Leipzig in 1813
The Heroism of Leonty Korenoi, Grenadier of the Finland Life Gurds Regiment, at the Leipzig in 1813
The Major Makes a Proposal (Inspecting a Bride in a Merchant’s House)
The Major Makes a Proposal (Inspecting a Bride in a Merchant’s House)
Circa 1851
Portrait of Alexander III
Portrait of Alexander III
Suvorov Crossing the Alps in 1799
Suvorov Crossing the Alps in 1799
Portrait of  Alexander III
Portrait of Alexander III
Ceremonial Sitting of the State Council on 7 May 1901 Marking the Centenary of its Foundation
Ceremonial Sitting of the State Council on 7 May 1901 Marking the Centenary of its Foundation
Portrait of Count Felix Sumarokov-Elston (Later Prince Yusupov)
Portrait of Count Felix Sumarokov-Elston (Later Prince Yusupov)
Парад при Павле I
Парад при Павле I

The Mediateka

Year: 2015 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 05:30
Year: 2015 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 05:20
Year: 2013 | An interactive program | Language: Russian

View all events and lectures in the Multimedia Cinema

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