
All items

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Солдат с ружьем
Солдат с ружьем
Солдат, спускающийся по склону снежной горы
Солдат, спускающийся по склону снежной горы
Французский часовой у алтаря
Французский часовой у алтаря
Around 1900
Штурм Геок-Тепе 12 января 1881 года
Штурм Геок-Тепе 12 января 1881 года
Female Festive Costume
Female Festive Costume
Late 19th century
Female Festive Costume
Female Festive Costume
19th — early 20th century
Female Festive Costume
Female Festive Costume
Late 19th — early 20th century
Female Festive Costume
Female Festive Costume
Late 19th — early 20th century
Maiden’s Festive Costume
Maiden’s Festive Costume
Late 19th — early 20th century
Peasant Woman’s Costume
Peasant Woman’s Costume
Late 19th — early 20th century
Portrait of Lyudmila Shestakova
Portrait of Lyudmila Shestakova
Suvorov Crossing the Alps in 1799
Suvorov Crossing the Alps in 1799
Tsar Berendey
Tsar Berendey
Model 1899-1900
Баба с лошадью
Баба с лошадью
Император Александр III в мундире датской Королевской лейб-гвардии на фоне моря в копенгагенской гавани
Император Александр III в мундире датской Королевской лейб-гвардии на фоне моря в копенгагенской гавани
Кончина благоверного князя Александра Невского
Кончина благоверного князя Александра Невского
Портрет В. В. Матэ (в пальто и шляпе)
Портрет В. В. Матэ (в пальто и шляпе)
Nurse with Сhildren
Nurse with Сhildren
The late 19th - the early 20th century
Peter II and Princess Elizabeth Riding to Hounds
Peter II and Princess Elizabeth Riding to Hounds

Total: 89
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St Boris and St Gleb
St Boris and St Gleb
Mid-14th century
The Miracle of the Icon of the Holy Sign (Battle between the Novgorodians and Suzdalites)
The Miracle of the Icon of the Holy Sign (Battle between the Novgorodians and Suzdalites)
Early 16th century
Похвала Богоматери с Акафистом в 24-х клеймах
Похвала Богоматери с Акафистом в 24-х клеймах
Portrait of Yakov Turgenev
Portrait of Yakov Turgenev
1694 (?)
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Woman's Headdress
Woman's Headdress
18th century
The Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna from the Summer Palace in St.Petersburg
The Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna from the Summer Palace in St.Petersburg
Third quarter of XVIII century
Portrait of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna
Portrait of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Feodorovich
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Feodorovich
About 1762
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Portrait of Count Alexei Bobrinsky, Illegitimate Son of Catherine II and Count Grigory Orlov, in Childhood
Portrait of Count Alexei Bobrinsky, Illegitimate Son of Catherine II and Count Grigory Orlov, in Childhood
Vladimir and Rogneda
Vladimir and Rogneda
Portrait of Ekaterina Khruschova and Ekaterina Khovanskaya
Portrait of Ekaterina Khruschova and Ekaterina Khovanskaya
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
The Vigil of Alexander the Great
The Vigil of Alexander the Great
Portrait of Agatha Levitskaya, the Artist’s Daughter
Portrait of Agatha Levitskaya, the Artist’s Daughter
Portrait of Ekaterina Arsenieva, Pupil at the Smolny Finishing School
Portrait of Ekaterina Arsenieva, Pupil at the Smolny Finishing School
The Anointing of the Grand  Duchess Elizabeth Alexeyevna
The Anointing of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alexeyevna

The Mediateka

Year: 2018 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian

Virtual tour of the exhibition, held in the Russian Museum from November 23, 2017 to March 26, 2018.

Year: 2014 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 14:50
Year: 2014 | An interactive program | Language: Russian, English

The virtual tour is based on the temporary exhibition of the Russian Museum "You're lovely, dearie, in any attire" (5 March - 12 May, 2014). 

The program brings together festive folk costumes belonged to the inhabitants of European Russia - from Arkhangelsk to Voronezh, from Pskov to Nizhny Novgorod, as well as paintings from the museum's collection. The program enables you to explore the costumes in details thanks to high-accuracy photography and to get more information about each of them.

Year: 2013 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2009 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00
Year: 2005 | An interactive program | Language: Russian

View all events and lectures in the Multimedia Cinema

Headscarves and Shawls in Russia from the 18th to the 21st Century. A Series of Lectures

Н. И. Ковалева, М. А. Сорокина

19 February 2019

Лекция «Платки и шали в русском народном костюме»

М. А. Сорокина, Н. О. Крестовская, Н. И. Ковалева

20 March 2015

«Виртуальный Русский музей» в социальных сетях: