
All items

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Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Emperor Peter the Great
Portrait of Emperor Peter the Great
Peter the Great During Catherine I’s Meeting with Her Brother Karl Skavronsky
Peter the Great During Catherine I’s Meeting with Her Brother Karl Skavronsky
Late 18th century
Петр I назначает свою супругу наследницей
Петр I назначает свою супругу наследницей
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Портрет графа Федора Матвеевича Апраксина
Портрет графа Федора Матвеевича Апраксина
12 картинок из анекдотов Петра I
12 картинок из анекдотов Петра I
Екатерина I спасает Петра под Прутом (Петр I в лагере у Прута / Екатерина входит в палатку к Петру I)
Екатерина I спасает Петра под Прутом (Петр I в лагере у Прута / Екатерина входит в палатку к Петру I)
Яков Долгорукий (1639-1720), разрывающий царский указ
Яков Долгорукий (1639-1720), разрывающий царский указ
Vase with Lid
Vase with Lid
Late 18th – early 19th century
Портрет Ивана Мазепы
Портрет Ивана Мазепы
Портрет Петра Петровича
Портрет Петра Петровича
Prince Mikhail Golitsyn Handing the Keys to the Captured Swedish Fortress Nöteborg to Peter the Great
Prince Mikhail Golitsyn Handing the Keys to the Captured Swedish Fortress Nöteborg to Peter the Great
Early 19th century
View of the Neva and Peter the Great’s Summer Palace
View of the Neva and Peter the Great’s Summer Palace
Between 1807 and 1816
Peter the Great Receiving a Petition
Peter the Great Receiving a Petition
First quarter of the 19th century
Peter the Great in Front of the Statue of Duke of Richelieu
Peter the Great in Front of the Statue of Duke of Richelieu
Early 19th century
Граф Федор Матвеевич Апраксин
Граф Федор Матвеевич Апраксин
Граф Яков Вилимович Брюс
Граф Яков Вилимович Брюс
Петр Великий перед статуей герцога Ришелье
Петр Великий перед статуей герцога Ришелье
Францъ Яковлевичъ Лефортъ
Францъ Яковлевичъ Лефортъ
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
1814 (?)
Medal with Portrait of Peter the Great
Medal with Portrait of Peter the Great
18th century
Portrait of Tsarina Eudoxia Feodorovna, née Lopukhina, the First Wife of Peter the Great
Portrait of Tsarina Eudoxia Feodorovna, née Lopukhina, the First Wife of Peter the Great
First quarter of the 18th century
Петр I осматривает построенный для него корабль «Архангел» в Голландии
Петр I осматривает построенный для него корабль «Архангел» в Голландии
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Франц Яковлевич Лефорт
Франц Яковлевич Лефорт
1818-1819 (?)
Peter the GreatAfter the Shipwreck
Peter the GreatAfter the Shipwreck
Late 1820s – early 1830s (not later than 1836)
Петр I в бурю на Неве
Петр I в бурю на Неве
Петр Великий на Ладожском озере
Петр Великий на Ладожском озере
Portrait of Peter the Great
Portrait of Peter the Great
Portrait of Regent Tsarevna Sophia Alexeyevna
Portrait of Regent Tsarevna Sophia Alexeyevna
Беннер Ж. Портрет царя Иоанна Алексеевича
Беннер Ж. Портрет царя Иоанна Алексеевича
Портрет императрицы Екатерины I
Портрет императрицы Екатерины I
Бюст Петра I
Бюст Петра I
Графъ Яковъ Вилимоновичь Брюсъ ...
Графъ Яковъ Вилимоновичь Брюсъ ...
Первое жилище Петра I
Первое жилище Петра I
Франц Яковлевич Лефорт...
Франц Яковлевич Лефорт...
Дворец Петра I в Летнем саду
Дворец Петра I в Летнем саду
Emperor Peter the Great and Alexander Brullov in the Zaandam House. Fantasy
Emperor Peter the Great and Alexander Brullov in the Zaandam House. Fantasy
Peter the Great in Childhood, Saved from the Fury of the Streltsy by His Mother
Peter the Great in Childhood, Saved from the Fury of the Streltsy by His Mother
Toy Peter I
Toy Peter I
19th century
Feat of Peter the Great in the Storm
Feat of Peter the Great in the Storm
Петр Великий берет от князя Меньшикова Екатерину
Петр Великий берет от князя Меньшикова Екатерину
Голова Петра I
Голова Петра I
Петр I в Саардаме 1697 года
Петр I в Саардаме 1697 года
Петр I в селе Преображенском 1687 года
Петр I в селе Преображенском 1687 года
Петр I после Полтавской победы 1709 г.
Петр I после Полтавской победы 1709 г.
Петр I при реке Пруте, 1711 года
Петр I при реке Пруте, 1711 года
Царь Петр I принимает титло: 1721 г.
Царь Петр I принимает титло: 1721 г.
Peter the Great in His Workshop in Saardam
Peter the Great in His Workshop in Saardam
Постройка Исаакиевского собора
Постройка Исаакиевского собора
A Feat of the Merchany Igolkin from Novgogod in the Northern War against the Swedes
A Feat of the Merchany Igolkin from Novgogod in the Northern War against the Swedes
Clock Peter the Great
Clock Peter the Great
Foundationof St Petersburgin 1703
Foundationof St Petersburgin 1703
Not earlier than 1840
Петр Великий в Саардаме
Петр Великий в Саардаме
Петр Великий у Меньшикова
Петр Великий у Меньшикова
Peter I
Peter I
Peter I
Peter I
Peter I at Lakhta Saving Drowning Sailors and Soldiers in 172(?)
Peter I at Lakhta Saving Drowning Sailors and Soldiers in 172(?)
Peter the Great at the Grave of Russian Warriors Fallen at the Battle of Poltava in 1709
Peter the Great at the Grave of Russian Warriors Fallen at the Battle of Poltava in 1709
Peter the Great at the Pruth River in 1711
Peter the Great at the Pruth River in 1711
Suppressing the Uprising of Raskolniki (Peter the Great Suppressing Rebellious Raskolniki in the Palace of Facets)
Suppressing the Uprising of Raskolniki (Peter the Great Suppressing Rebellious Raskolniki in the Palace of Facets)
Peter I
Transfer ofthe Relics of St Alexander Nevsky from Vladimir to St Petersburg During the Reign of Peter the Great in 1724
Transfer ofthe Relics of St Alexander Nevsky from Vladimir to St Petersburg During the Reign of Peter the Great in 1724
Peter I at Krasnaya Gorka Lighting a Fire on the Shore to Signal to his Sinking Ships
Peter I at Krasnaya Gorka Lighting a Fire on the Shore to Signal to his Sinking Ships
Портрет царевны Натальи Петровны, дочери Петра I
Портрет царевны Натальи Петровны, дочери Петра I
Peter the Great Taking the Relics of St Alexander Nevsky from Vladimir to St Petersburg
Peter the Great Taking the Relics of St Alexander Nevsky from Vladimir to St Petersburg
Suppression of the Schismatics’ Revolt by Peter the Great
Suppression of the Schismatics’ Revolt by Peter the Great
Портрет принцессы Шарлотты-Софии (1694–1715)
Портрет принцессы Шарлотты-Софии (1694–1715)
Портрет царевны Екатерины Иоанновны
Портрет царевны Екатерины Иоанновны
Tsarina Natalia and Tsarevich Peter at the Red Porch
Tsarina Natalia and Tsarevich Peter at the Red Porch
Peter the Great Visiting the Prison
Peter the Great Visiting the Prison
Medal Commemorating the Visit of Peter the Great to the Paris Mint in 1717
Medal Commemorating the Visit of Peter the Great to the Paris Mint in 1717
Second half of the 18th century
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Second half of the 19th century
Портрет царицы Евдокии Фёдоровны
Портрет царицы Евдокии Фёдоровны
Peter the Great, Emperor and Sole Ruler of All Russia
Peter the Great, Emperor and Sole Ruler of All Russia
Здания, основанные в С.-Петербурге Петром I
Здания, основанные в С.-Петербурге Петром I
Peter the Great, emperor
Peter the Great, emperor
1853 - 1858
Анна Петровна, дочь Петра I, супруга герцога Карла-Фридриха Шлезвиг-Голштейн-Готторпского
Анна Петровна, дочь Петра I, супруга герцога Карла-Фридриха Шлезвиг-Голштейн-Готторпского
1853 - 1858
Наталья Петровна, дочь императора Петра I
Наталья Петровна, дочь императора Петра I
1853 - 1858
Peter the Great
Assembly Under Peter the Great
Assembly Under Peter the Great
Peter the Great
Peter the Great
1855 - 1858
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Петр Великий возвещает в Санкт-Петербурге народу о заключении мира со Швецией в день 4 сентября 1721 года
Петр Великий возвещает в Санкт-Петербурге народу о заключении мира со Швецией в день 4 сентября 1721 года
Emperor Peter the Great
Emperor Peter the Great
Peter the Great
Peter the Great
Battle of Grengam on 27 July 1720
Battle of Grengam on 27 July 1720
Петр Великий празднует Ништадский мир
Петр Великий празднует Ништадский мир
Петр I, защищаемый своей матерью
Петр I, защищаемый своей матерью

Total: 13
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Portrait of Yakov Turgenev
Portrait of Yakov Turgenev
1694 (?)
Portrait of the Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Portrait of the Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Before 1716
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of a Field Hetman
Portrait of a Field Hetman
1720s (1726 or 1727 (?))
Portrait of  Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Late 1717
Peter I at the Battle of Poltava
Peter I at the Battle of Poltava
1724 (1725?)
Portrait of Tsesarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of Tsesarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
1724 (?)
Peter I on His Death Bed
Peter I on His Death Bed
Early 1725
Portrait of Baron Sergei Stroganov, Youngest Son of the Salt manufacturer Grigory Stroganov and his Wife Maria
Portrait of Baron Sergei Stroganov, Youngest Son of the Salt manufacturer Grigory Stroganov and his Wife Maria
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Peter I (the Great) Interrogating Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof
Peter I (the Great) Interrogating Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof
"Peter the Great - the Founder of the Russian Fleet". A cup
"Peter the Great - the Founder of the Russian Fleet". A cup

The Mediateka

Year: 2022 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 27:31
Year: 2022 | Виртуальная выставка
Year: 2022 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian, English

A virtual tour of the exhibition, which took place at Mikhailovsky Castle from June 9 to September 26, 2022.

Year: 2022 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian
Year: 2022 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian, English

The virtual tour of the exhibition, held in the Russian Museum from December 17, 2015 to April 3, 2016.

Year: 2016 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian, English

The programme was developed based on the temporary exhibition Peter the Great: His Era and His Inner Circle, which took place in the Russian Museum from December 17, 2015 to April 3, 2016.

Year: 2015 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2015 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 08:25
Year: 2015 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 04:38
Year: 2015 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 04:30
Year: 2015 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 05:30
Year: 2015 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 05:20
Year: 2015 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 03:10
Year: 2015 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 06:00
Year: 2015 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 03:34
Year: 2011 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:53
Year: 2011 | An interactive program, Virtual tours | Language: Russian
Year: 2001 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00

View all events and lectures in the Multimedia Cinema

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