
All items

Total: 1347
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Portrait of Catherine the Great
Portrait of Catherine the Great
Portrait of Countess Anna Vorontsova, née Skavronskaya, Wife of the Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov
Portrait of Countess Anna Vorontsova, née Skavronskaya, Wife of the Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov
Портрет И. Л. Голенищева-Кутузова
Портрет И. Л. Голенищева-Кутузова
Портрет князя М. М. Голицына младшего, президента Адмиралтейств-коллегии
Портрет князя М. М. Голицына младшего, президента Адмиралтейств-коллегии
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Portrait of Count Ivan Orlov, Retired Captain of  the Preobrazhensky Life Guards
Portrait of Count Ivan Orlov, Retired Captain of the Preobrazhensky Life Guards
Портрет действительного тайного советника вице-канцлера князя Александра Михайловича Голицына (1723-1807)
Портрет действительного тайного советника вице-канцлера князя Александра Михайловича Голицына (1723-1807)
Петр I (1672-1725)
Петр I (1672-1725)
Портрет Александры Андреевны Перфильевой, рожд. графини Толстой, в первом браке Гурьевой
Портрет Александры Андреевны Перфильевой, рожд. графини Толстой, в первом браке Гурьевой
Портрет С. Я. Яковлева
Портрет С. Я. Яковлева
Do no Evil and Do not Annoy any Person
Do no Evil and Do not Annoy any Person
Do no Harm to any Animal and Do not Enrage it
Do no Harm to any Animal and Do not Enrage it
Do not Lie
Do not Lie
Never be idle
Never be idle
Portrait of a Woman in Russian Costume
Portrait of a Woman in Russian Costume
Catherine II as Minerva, Patroness of the Arts
Catherine II as Minerva, Patroness of the Arts
Portrait of the Grand Duke Paul Petrovich
Portrait of the Grand Duke Paul Petrovich
Portrait of the Senator and General-in-Chief Count Roman Vorontsov
Portrait of the Senator and General-in-Chief Count Roman Vorontsov
Портрет Д. В. Арсеньева
Портрет Д. В. Арсеньева
Портрет княгини Варвары Ивановны Трубецкой, урожденной княгини Одоевской (ум. 1788)
Портрет княгини Варвары Ивановны Трубецкой, урожденной княгини Одоевской (ум. 1788)
Портрет князя Дмитрия Юрьевича Трубецкого (ум.1792)
Портрет князя Дмитрия Юрьевича Трубецкого (ум.1792)
Portrait of the Empress Catherine II
Portrait of the Empress Catherine II
Портрет Василия Алексеевича Злобина
Портрет Василия Алексеевича Злобина
Портрет Василия Григорьевича Кусова
Портрет Василия Григорьевича Кусова
Портрет Ивана Васильевича Кусова
Портрет Ивана Васильевича Кусова
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of the History and Geography Teacher Baudouin with Two Academy of Arts Pupils of the First and Third Grades
Portrait of the History and Geography Teacher Baudouin with Two Academy of Arts Pupils of the First and Third Grades
Портрет Е. В. Гурьева
Портрет Е. В. Гурьева
Portrait of Admiral Ivan Talyzin
Portrait of Admiral Ivan Talyzin
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
Portrait of Vice-Admiral Samuel Greig
Portrait of Vice-Admiral Samuel Greig
Великая княгиня Наталья Алексеевна
Великая княгиня Наталья Алексеевна
Убийство Петра III по приказу Екатерины II
Убийство Петра III по приказу Екатерины II
Цесаревич Павел Петрович
Цесаревич Павел Петрович
Portrait of Yekaterina Molchanova
Portrait of Yekaterina Molchanova
Portret of Natalia Borscheva
Portret of Natalia Borscheva
Портрет директора Академии художеств А. О. Закревского
Портрет директора Академии художеств А. О. Закревского
Портрет художника А. П. Антропова с сыном перед портретом жены
Портрет художника А. П. Антропова с сыном перед портретом жены
Portrait of Catherine II
Portrait of Catherine II
Portrait of Catherine II before a Mirror
Portrait of Catherine II before a Mirror
Portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna
Portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Портрет графа А. И. Воронцова
Портрет графа А. И. Воронцова
Портрет морского офицера
Портрет морского офицера
Portrait of Agatha Levitskaya, the Artist’s Daughter
Portrait of Agatha Levitskaya, the Artist’s Daughter
Portrait of Catherine II the Legislatress in the Temple of the Goddess of Justice
Portrait of Catherine II the Legislatress in the Temple of the Goddess of Justice
Портрет графини Е. В. Санти
Портрет графини Е. В. Санти
Portrait of Varvara Surovtseva, nee Pashkova
Portrait of Varvara Surovtseva, nee Pashkova
The second half of the 1780s
Портрет Екатерины Петровны Томиловой, рожд. Шамшевой
Портрет Екатерины Петровны Томиловой, рожд. Шамшевой
Портрет Романа Никифоровича Томилова (1741-1792)
Портрет Романа Никифоровича Томилова (1741-1792)
Портрет архитектора Ю. М. Фельтена
Портрет архитектора Ю. М. Фельтена
Portrait of the Architect and Adjunct Rector of the Academy of Arts Georg Friedrich Felten
Portrait of the Architect and Adjunct Rector of the Academy of Arts Georg Friedrich Felten
Portrait of the Lady of the Bedchamber Anna Protasova
Portrait of the Lady of the Bedchamber Anna Protasova
Catherine II the Legislatress
Catherine II the Legislatress
Крымские народы преклоняются перед Екатериной II
Крымские народы преклоняются перед Екатериной II
Портрет А. М. Протасовой
Портрет А. М. Протасовой
 Калмычонок с собакой
Калмычонок с собакой
Portrait of Countess Ekaterina  Samoylova
Portrait of Countess Ekaterina Samoylova
Portrait of Empress Catherine the Great
Portrait of Empress Catherine the Great
Second half of the 18th century
Portrait of Olga Filippova, née Mikhailova, Wife of the Architect’s Assistant Pavel Filippov
Portrait of Olga Filippova, née Mikhailova, Wife of the Architect’s Assistant Pavel Filippov
Portrait of Olga Zherebtsova, née Zubova, Wife of the Privy Councillor Alexander Zherebtsov
Portrait of Olga Zherebtsova, née Zubova, Wife of the Privy Councillor Alexander Zherebtsov
Портрет Марии Дмитриевны Мелиссино
Портрет Марии Дмитриевны Мелиссино
Портрет С. К. Витт
Портрет С. К. Витт
1790s (1792?)
Портрет графа П. А. Палена
Портрет графа П. А. Палена
Портрет графини П. А. Воронцовой в детстве
Портрет графини П. А. Воронцовой в детстве
Портрет неизвестной с книгой на греческом языке
Портрет неизвестной с книгой на греческом языке
Смерть Потемкина
Смерть Потемкина
Крещение княгини Ольги в Константинополе
Крещение княгини Ольги в Константинополе
Портрет гравера и миниатюриста академика Гавриила Ивановича Скородумова (1755-1792)
Портрет гравера и миниатюриста академика Гавриила Ивановича Скородумова (1755-1792)
Portrait of Countess Yekaterina Stroganova, née Princess Trubetskaya, Wife of the Lord High Chamberlain Prince Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Countess Yekaterina Stroganova, née Princess Trubetskaya, Wife of the Lord High Chamberlain Prince Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Prince Nikolai Yassupov, Senator and Honorary Lover of the Academy of Art
Portrait of Prince Nikolai Yassupov, Senator and Honorary Lover of the Academy of Art
1794 (?)
Портрет Екатерины II
Портрет Екатерины II
Portrait of Natalia Suvorova
Portrait of Natalia Suvorova
Портрет неизвестного из рода Милорадовичей
Портрет неизвестного из рода Милорадовичей
Портрет неизвестной из рода Милорадовичей
Портрет неизвестной из рода Милорадовичей
Портрет президента Академии художеств И. И. Бецкого
Портрет президента Академии художеств И. И. Бецкого
Catherine the Great as Themis
Catherine the Great as Themis
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count  Valerian Zubov
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count Valerian Zubov
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna
Portrait of Skobeyeva, Wife of the Smolensk Landlord D. Skobeyev
Portrait of Skobeyeva, Wife of the Smolensk Landlord D. Skobeyev
The second half of the 1790s
Portrait of the Grand Master of the Ordnance, the Most Serene Prince Platon Zubov in the Robes of a Knight of St Andrew
Portrait of the Grand Master of the Ordnance, the Most Serene Prince Platon Zubov in the Robes of a Knight of St Andrew
Вторичные похороны Петра III
Вторичные похороны Петра III
Портрет графа Федора Матвеевича Апраксина
Портрет графа Федора Матвеевича Апраксина
Прием Зюнгарского владельца
Прием Зюнгарского владельца
12 картинок из анекдотов Петра I
12 картинок из анекдотов Петра I
Портрет императрицы Марии Федоровны
Портрет императрицы Марии Федоровны
Яков Долгорукий (1639-1720), разрывающий царский указ
Яков Долгорукий (1639-1720), разрывающий царский указ
Portrait of Anna Bezobrazova
Portrait of Anna Bezobrazova
Late 1790s
Portrait of Anna Protasova, Maid of Honour of the Bedchamber to Catherine II
Portrait of Anna Protasova, Maid of Honour of the Bedchamber to Catherine II
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Marfa Arbenieva
Portrait of Marfa Arbenieva
Portrait of the Empress Marie Fyodorovna
Portrait of the Empress Marie Fyodorovna
Портрет Павла I
Портрет Павла I
Портрет главного директора водных коммуникаций графа Якова Ефимовича Сиверса (1731-1808)
Портрет главного директора водных коммуникаций графа Якова Ефимовича Сиверса (1731-1808)
Портрет сенатора Федора Михайловича Колокольцова (1732-1818)
Портрет сенатора Федора Михайловича Колокольцова (1732-1818)
Portrait of Anna Muravyova-Apostol with her Son Mathew and her Daughter Catherine
Portrait of Anna Muravyova-Apostol with her Son Mathew and her Daughter Catherine

Total: 71
Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500
Portrait of the Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Portrait of the Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Before 1716
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of Peter I
Self-Portrait with Wife
Self-Portrait with Wife
1729 (?). After 1727 (?)
Anna Ioannovna with a Little Negro Boy
Anna Ioannovna with a Little Negro Boy
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich and Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich and Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
1745 (?)
Portrait of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna
Portrait of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna
Portrait of the Actor Fyodor Volkov, Founder of the First Russian Public Theatre
Portrait of the Actor Fyodor Volkov, Founder of the First Russian Public Theatre
Portrait of Catherine the Great
Portrait of Catherine the Great
Portrait of Countess Anna Vorontsova, née Skavronskaya, Wife of the Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov
Portrait of Countess Anna Vorontsova, née Skavronskaya, Wife of the Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
Portrait of Yekaterina Molchanova
Portrait of Yekaterina Molchanova
Portret of Natalia Borscheva
Portret of Natalia Borscheva
Portrait of Agatha Levitskaya, the Artist’s Daughter
Portrait of Agatha Levitskaya, the Artist’s Daughter
Portrait of Catherine II the Legislatress in the Temple of the Goddess of Justice
Portrait of Catherine II the Legislatress in the Temple of the Goddess of Justice
Портрет графини Е. В. Санти
Портрет графини Е. В. Санти
Portrait of Varvara Surovtseva, nee Pashkova
Portrait of Varvara Surovtseva, nee Pashkova
The second half of the 1780s
Catherine II the Legislatress
Catherine II the Legislatress
Portrait of Countess Yekaterina Stroganova, née Princess Trubetskaya, Wife of the Lord High Chamberlain Prince Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Countess Yekaterina Stroganova, née Princess Trubetskaya, Wife of the Lord High Chamberlain Prince Alexander Stroganov
Catherine the Great as Themis
Catherine the Great as Themis
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count  Valerian Zubov
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count Valerian Zubov
Portrait of Skobeyeva, Wife of the Smolensk Landlord D. Skobeyev
Portrait of Skobeyeva, Wife of the Smolensk Landlord D. Skobeyev
The second half of the 1790s
Portrait of Countess Anna Bezborodko and her Daughters Lyubov and Cleopatra
Portrait of Countess Anna Bezborodko and her Daughters Lyubov and Cleopatra
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Countess Sofia Stroganova
Portrait of Countess Sofia Stroganova
Italian Midday (Italian Girl Picking Grapes)
Italian Midday (Italian Girl Picking Grapes)
Portrait of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, née Princess Friederike Charlotte of Württemberg, Wife of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, with her Daughter Grand Duchess Maria Mikhailovna
Portrait of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, née Princess Friederike Charlotte of Württemberg, Wife of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, with her Daughter Grand Duchess Maria Mikhailovna
Portrait of Her Highness Princess E.P. Saltykova
Portrait of Her Highness Princess E.P. Saltykova
Parade Celebrating the End of Millitary Action in the Kingdom of Poland on Tsaritsa Meadow in St Petersburg on 6 October 1831
Parade Celebrating the End of Millitary Action in the Kingdom of Poland on Tsaritsa Meadow in St Petersburg on 6 October 1831
Portrait of the Shishmareva Sisters
Portrait of the Shishmareva Sisters
Portrait of the Most Serene Princess Elizaveta Saltykova
Portrait of the Most Serene Princess Elizaveta Saltykova
Portrait of Countess Yulia Samoilova Retiring from a Ball with her Foster Daughter Amazilia Pacini. Unfinished
Portrait of Countess Yulia Samoilova Retiring from a Ball with her Foster Daughter Amazilia Pacini. Unfinished
Before 1843
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Fyodorovna. Wife of Grand Duke Nicholas Pavlovich, with her Children Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, Later Emperor Alexander II, and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, Later Wife of Duke Maximilian Josephe Eugene of Leuchtenberg and  Count Grigory Stroganov
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Fyodorovna. Wife of Grand Duke Nicholas Pavlovich, with her Children Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, Later Emperor Alexander II, and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, Later Wife of Duke Maximilian Josephe Eugene of Leuchtenberg and Count Grigory Stroganov
The Major Makes a Proposal (Inspecting a Bride in a Merchant’s House)
The Major Makes a Proposal (Inspecting a Bride in a Merchant’s House)
Circa 1851
Peter I (the Great) Interrogating Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof
Peter I (the Great) Interrogating Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof
Portrait of Alexei Suvorin
Portrait of Alexei Suvorin
Watchmen Singing Praises
Watchmen Singing Praises
Christ and the Adulteress (Who Is Without Sin?)
Christ and the Adulteress (Who Is Without Sin?)
Portrait of Sofya Dragomirova
Portrait of Sofya Dragomirova
Portrait of Elena Likhacheva
Portrait of Elena Likhacheva
Portrait of Artist Konstantin Somov
Portrait of Artist Konstantin Somov
Yermak’s Conquest of Siberia
Yermak’s Conquest of Siberia
Seventeenth-Century Merchant Family
Seventeenth-Century Merchant Family
Self-Portrait with Sister
Self-Portrait with Sister
Portrait of Anna Ostroumova
Portrait of Anna Ostroumova
Portrait of Princess Zinaida Yussupova
Portrait of Princess Zinaida Yussupova
Portrait of Vasily Mahté
Portrait of Vasily Mahté
Portrait of the Artist’s Daughter
Portrait of the Artist’s Daughter
Stepan Razin
Stepan Razin
Portrait of Lyubov Brodskaya on a Terrace
Portrait of Lyubov Brodskaya on a Terrace
Осмеянный поцелуй
Осмеянный поцелуй
Siberian Woman
Siberian Woman
Ida Rubenstein
Ida Rubenstein
Family Portrait
Family Portrait
Portrait of Empress Maria Fyodorovna
Portrait of Empress Maria Fyodorovna
Merchant’s Wife
Merchant’s Wife
Portrait of Anna Akhmatova
Portrait of Anna Akhmatova
Portrait of Yevdokia Glebova
Portrait of Yevdokia Glebova
Woman Worker (Portrait in Blue)
Woman Worker (Portrait in Blue)
Hymn To October
Hymn To October

The Mediateka

Year: 2022 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 12:02
Year: 2016 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian, English

The programme was developed based on the temporary exhibition Peter the Great: His Era and His Inner Circle, which took place in the Russian Museum from December 17, 2015 to April 3, 2016.

Year: 2015 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2014 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 09:40
Year: 2014 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 14:50
Year: 2013 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2005 | An interactive program | Language: Russian

View all events and lectures in the Multimedia Cinema

Catherine the Great in Russia and Beyond. A Lecture

А.В. Прозорова

27 February 2018

Лекция «Великий князь Павел Петрович»

Г. Н. Голдовский

12 February 2015

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