
All items

Total: 1925
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Французское воспитание
Французское воспитание
Alexander I. Scene in the Military Camp
Alexander I. Scene in the Military Camp
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
1814 (?)
The Flagellation of Christ
The Flagellation of Christ
Бега на Неве
Бега на Неве
Портрет П. К. Сухтелена
Портрет П. К. Сухтелена
Портрет князей А. А. и А. Г. Лобановых-Ростовских
Портрет князей А. А. и А. Г. Лобановых-Ростовских
 Портрет графа А.С.Строганова
Портрет графа А.С.Строганова
Portrait of Alexander Dmitriyev-Mamonov
Portrait of Alexander Dmitriyev-Mamonov
Портрет А. О. Орловского
Портрет А. О. Орловского
Портрет Н. И. Тургенева
Портрет Н. И. Тургенева
A View from Petrovsky Island in St Petersburg
A View from Petrovsky Island in St Petersburg
Portrait of Archbishop Mikhail (Mathew Desnitsky)
Portrait of Archbishop Mikhail (Mathew Desnitsky)
Портрет чиновника ведомства императрицы Марии Федоровны
Портрет чиновника ведомства императрицы Марии Федоровны
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich
Portrait of Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich
Portrait of the Benois Family
Portrait of the Benois Family
Circa 1816
Portrait of the Grand Duke Nicholai Pavlovich
Portrait of the Grand Duke Nicholai Pavlovich
Portrait of the Privy Councillor and Senator Pavel Runich
Portrait of the Privy Councillor and Senator Pavel Runich
Петр I осматривает построенный для него корабль «Архангел» в Голландии
Петр I осматривает построенный для него корабль «Архангел» в Голландии
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Николай Михайлович Карамзин
Николай Михайлович Карамзин
Портрет А. В. Суворова
Портрет А. В. Суворова
Портрет Александра Николаевича Муравьева
Портрет Александра Николаевича Муравьева
Портрет В. А. Жуковского
Портрет В. А. Жуковского
Портрет графа А. А. Аракчеева
Портрет графа А. А. Аракчеева
Франц Яковлевич Лефорт
Франц Яковлевич Лефорт
1818-1819 (?)
Портрет Н. М. Карамзина
Портрет Н. М. Карамзина
Peter the GreatAfter the Shipwreck
Peter the GreatAfter the Shipwreck
Late 1820s – early 1830s (not later than 1836)
Возвращение солдата в деревню
Возвращение солдата в деревню
Городские дрожки
Городские дрожки
Крещение княгини Ольги в Константинополе
Крещение княгини Ольги в Константинополе
Петр I в бурю на Неве
Петр I в бурю на Неве
Петр Великий на Ладожском озере
Петр Великий на Ладожском озере
Портрет В. А. Жуковского
Портрет В. А. Жуковского
Портрет М. И. Голенищева-Кутузова
Портрет М. И. Голенищева-Кутузова
Портрет графа С. Г. Строганова
Портрет графа С. Г. Строганова
Портрет графа Сергея Васильевича Толстого (1771-1831)
Портрет графа Сергея Васильевича Толстого (1771-1831)
Портрет историка Дмитрия Николаевича Бантыш-Каменского (1788-1850)
Портрет историка Дмитрия Николаевича Бантыш-Каменского (1788-1850)
Портрет купца I гильдии
Портрет купца I гильдии
Торговля свиньями и сеном
Торговля свиньями и сеном
Portrait of Emperor Peter III
Portrait of Emperor Peter III
Portrait of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich
Portrait of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich
Portrait of Peter II
Portrait of Peter II
Portrait of Peter the Great
Portrait of Peter the Great
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Portrait of Tsar Feodor Alexeyevich
Portrait of Tsar Feodor Alexeyevich
Portrait of the Artist Nikolai Maikov
Portrait of the Artist Nikolai Maikov
Беннер Ж. Портрет царя Иоанна Алексеевича
Беннер Ж. Портрет царя Иоанна Алексеевича
Вид площади у моста при въезде от города Тихвина в село Грузино
Вид площади у моста при въезде от города Тихвина в село Грузино
Портрет чиновника с орденом Св. Владимира 4-й степени и медалью «За Отечественную войну 1812 года»
Портрет чиновника с орденом Св. Владимира 4-й степени и медалью «За Отечественную войну 1812 года»
After Reaping (At Alexei Tomilov's Uspensky Estate outside Staraya Ladoga)
After Reaping (At Alexei Tomilov's Uspensky Estate outside Staraya Ladoga)
Вид арки Главного штаба
Вид арки Главного штаба
Невский проспект от Аничковского моста в сторону Адмиралтейства
Невский проспект от Аничковского моста в сторону Адмиралтейства
Портрет князя М. С. Воронцова
Портрет князя М. С. Воронцова
Портрет царя Михаила Федоровича
Портрет царя Михаила Федоровича
Вид Гостиного двора
Вид Гостиного двора
Полицейский мост
Полицейский мост
Полицейский мост
Полицейский мост
Death of Camilla, Sister of Horatius
Death of Camilla, Sister of Horatius
Dmitry of the Don in the Kulikovo Battlefield
Dmitry of the Don in the Kulikovo Battlefield
Portrait of Vasily Perovsky
Portrait of Vasily Perovsky
Portrait of the Engraver Nikolai Utkin
Portrait of the Engraver Nikolai Utkin
Игра в шашки
Игра в шашки
Памятник Петру I
Памятник Петру I
Портрет А. Х. Востокова
Портрет А. Х. Востокова
Портрет В. И. Григоровича
Портрет В. И. Григоровича
Портрет Н. И. Перовского, феодосийского градоначальника (до 1825), затем причисленного к Коллегии иностранных дел
Портрет Н. И. Перовского, феодосийского градоначальника (до 1825), затем причисленного к Коллегии иностранных дел
Портрет баснописца И. А. Крылова
Портрет баснописца И. А. Крылова
Эпизод строительства Исаакиевского собора
Эпизод строительства Исаакиевского собора
Portrait of Count Pavel Shuvalov
Portrait of Count Pavel Shuvalov
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I against the Cameron Gallery
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I against the Cameron Gallery
Ледяные горы на масленице / Ледяные горы на балаганах
Ледяные горы на масленице / Ледяные горы на балаганах
Первое жилище Петра I
Первое жилище Петра I
Портрет Дениса Давыдова
Портрет Дениса Давыдова
Портрет И. А. Крылова
Портрет И. А. Крылова
Портрет И. А. Крылова
Портрет И. А. Крылова
Портрет М. В. Ломоносова
Портрет М. В. Ломоносова
Портрет архитектора B. П. Стасова
Портрет архитектора B. П. Стасова
Портрет великого князя Николая Павловича
Портрет великого князя Николая Павловича
Проект памятника Г. А. Потемкину-Таврическому для Херсона
Проект памятника Г. А. Потемкину-Таврическому для Херсона
Раздел Польши. Аллегория
Раздел Польши. Аллегория
У Гостиного двора
У Гостиного двора
Portrait of Emperor Nicholas I
Portrait of Emperor Nicholas I
The Coronation of Empress Marie Feodorovna on 5 April 1797
The Coronation of Empress Marie Feodorovna on 5 April 1797
After 1826 (1836?)
Коленопреклоненная молитва митрополита во время коронации Николая I
Коленопреклоненная молитва митрополита во время коронации Николая I
Портрет обер-гофмаршала Кирилла Александровича Нарышкина (1786-1838), почетного члена Академии художеств
Портрет обер-гофмаршала Кирилла Александровича Нарышкина (1786-1838), почетного члена Академии художеств
Portrait of Count Grigory Kushelev
Portrait of Count Grigory Kushelev
1827 (?)
Portrait of K. A. and M. Y. Naryshkins
Portrait of K. A. and M. Y. Naryshkins
Studio of Artist Alexey Venetsianov in Saint-Petersburg
Studio of Artist Alexey Venetsianov in Saint-Petersburg

Total: 158
Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500
The Miracle of the Icon of the Holy Sign (Battle between the Novgorodians and Suzdalites)
The Miracle of the Icon of the Holy Sign (Battle between the Novgorodians and Suzdalites)
Early 16th century
Похвала Богоматери с Акафистом в 24-х клеймах
Похвала Богоматери с Акафистом в 24-х клеймах
«Отче наш...»
«Отче наш...»
“I Believe” (The Symbol of Faith)
“I Believe” (The Symbol of Faith)
Gospels Cover
Gospels Cover
Portrait of Yakov Turgenev
Portrait of Yakov Turgenev
1694 (?)
Portrait of a Field Hetman
Portrait of a Field Hetman
1720s (1726 or 1727 (?))
Конный портрет императора Петра Великого
Конный портрет императора Петра Великого
Петр Великий Отец Отечества Император Всероссийский
Петр Великий Отец Отечества Император Всероссийский
Portrait of Baron Sergei Stroganov, Youngest Son of the Salt manufacturer Grigory Stroganov and his Wife Maria
Portrait of Baron Sergei Stroganov, Youngest Son of the Salt manufacturer Grigory Stroganov and his Wife Maria
Self-Portrait with Wife
Self-Portrait with Wife
1729 (?). After 1727 (?)
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich and Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich and Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
1745 (?)
18th century
Portrait of William George Fairmore
Portrait of William George Fairmore
Second half of the 1750
The Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna from the Summer Palace in St.Petersburg
The Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna from the Summer Palace in St.Petersburg
Third quarter of XVIII century
Portrait of the Actor Fyodor Volkov, Founder of the First Russian Public Theatre
Portrait of the Actor Fyodor Volkov, Founder of the First Russian Public Theatre
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Feodorovich
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Feodorovich
About 1762
Portrait of Peter III
Portrait of Peter III
Vladimir and Rogneda
Vladimir and Rogneda
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
The Nenets’ Encampment
The Nenets’ Encampment
The end of 18th century
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count  Valerian Zubov
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count Valerian Zubov
Portrait of Murtaza Kuli, Brother of the Shah of Persia, Āghā Muhammad
Portrait of Murtaza Kuli, Brother of the Shah of Persia, Āghā Muhammad
Testing the Strength of Jan Usmar
Testing the Strength of Jan Usmar
1796 (1797?)
Portrait of Paul I
Portrait of Paul I
Portrait of Major General Fyodor Borowsky
Portrait of Major General Fyodor Borowsky
Portrait of Prince Alexander Kurakin
Portrait of Prince Alexander Kurakin
Drobnitsy (special inserts covered with enamel for decoration of religious books etc)
Drobnitsy (special inserts covered with enamel for decoration of religious books etc)
The late 18th - the early 19th century
Portrait of Paul I
Portrait of Paul I
View onto St. Michael’s Castle and Connetable Square in Saint Petersburg
View onto St. Michael’s Castle and Connetable Square in Saint Petersburg
View onto St. Michael’s Castle in Saint Petersburg from the Fontanka Side
View onto St. Michael’s Castle in Saint Petersburg from the Fontanka Side
Вид на Академию художеств и Кадетский корпус
Вид на Академию художеств и Кадетский корпус
Portrait of Alexei Tomilov
Portrait of Alexei Tomilov
Portrait of Count Pavel Stroganov
Portrait of Count Pavel Stroganov
Portrait of Life Guard Colonel Yevgraf Davydov
Portrait of Life Guard Colonel Yevgraf Davydov
Portrait of the Member of the State Council and Collector Count Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of the Member of the State Council and Collector Count Alexander Stroganov
Blessing a Militiaman in 1812
Blessing a Militiaman in 1812
Portrait of Alexander Dmitriyev-Mamonov
Portrait of Alexander Dmitriyev-Mamonov
A View from Petrovsky Island in St Petersburg
A View from Petrovsky Island in St Petersburg
Death of Camilla, Sister of Horatius
Death of Camilla, Sister of Horatius
Portrait of Vasily Perovsky
Portrait of Vasily Perovsky
Terrace on the Sea Shore. Capuccini near Sorrento
Terrace on the Sea Shore. Capuccini near Sorrento
View of Naples. Santa Lucia Waterfront
View of Naples. Santa Lucia Waterfront
"Seasons". A Casket
"Seasons". A Casket
First third of the 19th century
Mikhailovsky Palace
Mikhailovsky Palace
The Picture Gallery of the Stroganov Palace
The Picture Gallery of the Stroganov Palace
The Last Day of Pompeii
The Last Day of Pompeii
Портрет Б. Торвальдсена
Портрет Б. Торвальдсена
Christ’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection
Christ’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection
Christ’s Appearance to the People
Christ’s Appearance to the People
Begun in 1836 and completed after 1855
Parade Celebrating the End of Millitary Action in the Kingdom of Poland on Tsaritsa Meadow in St Petersburg on 6 October 1831
Parade Celebrating the End of Millitary Action in the Kingdom of Poland on Tsaritsa Meadow in St Petersburg on 6 October 1831
 Жених, покупающий кольцо невесте
Жених, покупающий кольцо невесте
Ave Maria
Ave Maria
The Brazen Serpent
The Brazen Serpent
Portrait of Alexei Yermolov
Portrait of Alexei Yermolov
A Russian Squadron on the Sevastopole Roadstead
A Russian Squadron on the Sevastopole Roadstead
Бляха коновала
Бляха коновала
Gambler Squeezing his Head with his Hands
Gambler Squeezing his Head with his Hands
The Major Makes a Proposal (Inspecting a Bride in a Merchant’s House)
The Major Makes a Proposal (Inspecting a Bride in a Merchant’s House)
Circa 1851
At the wedding of Grand Prince Vassily II Tyomniy in 1433, Grand Princess Sophia Tears Down the Belt That Once Belonged to Dmitry Donskoy
At the wedding of Grand Prince Vassily II Tyomniy in 1433, Grand Princess Sophia Tears Down the Belt That Once Belonged to Dmitry Donskoy
Christian Martyrs in the Colosseum
Christian Martyrs in the Colosseum
The Last Supper
The Last Supper
Monastic Refectory
Monastic Refectory
Palm Sunday in Moscow Under Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich. Procession of the Patriarch on a Donkey
Palm Sunday in Moscow Under Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich. Procession of the Patriarch on a Donkey
Fête during Shrovetide on Admiralty Square in St Petersburg
Fête during Shrovetide on Admiralty Square in St Petersburg
Ivan the Terrible (1530–1584)
Ivan the Terrible (1530–1584)
The Raising of Jairus’s Daughter
The Raising of Jairus’s Daughter
Peter I (the Great) Interrogating Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof
Peter I (the Great) Interrogating Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof
At the Doors of a Mosque
At the Doors of a Mosque
Christ on Trial before the People
Christ on Trial before the People
Перед венцом
Перед венцом
Ivan the Terrible Showing Treasures to the English Ambassador Jerome Horsey
Ivan the Terrible Showing Treasures to the English Ambassador Jerome Horsey
Portrait of Ivan Kramskoi
Portrait of Ivan Kramskoi
The Translation of the Holy Carpet in Cairo
The Translation of the Holy Carpet in Cairo
Pugachev"s Judgement
Pugachev"s Judgement
Portrait of Ivan Shishkin
Portrait of Ivan Shishkin
Zaporozhian Cossacks
Zaporozhian Cossacks
Portrait of Alexei Suvorin
Portrait of Alexei Suvorin
Бой скифов со славянами
Бой скифов со славянами
Knight at the Crossroads
Knight at the Crossroads
Portrait of Count Sergei Stroganov
Portrait of Count Sergei Stroganov
Watchmen Singing Praises
Watchmen Singing Praises
Portrait of Leo Tolstoy
Portrait of Leo Tolstoy
Portrait of Vladimir Solovyov
Portrait of Vladimir Solovyov
Christ and the Adulteress (Who Is Without Sin?)
Christ and the Adulteress (Who Is Without Sin?)
Death of Nero
Death of Nero
Portrait of Alexander III
Portrait of Alexander III

The Mediateka

Year: 2022 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 12:02
Year: 2019 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian

Virtual tour of the exhibition, held in the Russian Museum from 13 February to 12 June 2019.

Year: 2018 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian

Virtual tour of the exhibition, held in the Russian Museum from November 23, 2017 to March 26, 2018.

Year: 2016 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian, English

The programme was developed based on the temporary exhibition Peter the Great: His Era and His Inner Circle, which took place in the Russian Museum from December 17, 2015 to April 3, 2016.

Year: 2015 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 16:24
Year: 2015 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2015 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 04:38
Year: 2015 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 04:30
Year: 2014 | An interactive program | Language: Russian, English, Italian

Multimedia program combines about 500 works of Russian artists who worked in Italy and of Italian masters who left their trace in Russian art, including those who contrib¬uted greatly to the architectural image of the Russian Museum palaces.

Year: 2014 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2014 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 09:40
Year: 2014 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 14:50
Year: 2013 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2009 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00
Year: 2006 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2005 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2002 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:40
Year: 2002 | An interactive program | Language: Russian

View all events and lectures in the Multimedia Cinema

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