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The Russian School of Painting (Eighteenth to Mid-Nineteenth Centuries)

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Total: 795
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Картина «Триумф Цереры»
Картина «Триумф Цереры»
Кавалерийское сражение
Кавалерийское сражение
Картина «Баталия»
Картина «Баталия»
Картина «Пейзаж со стадом»
Картина «Пейзаж со стадом»
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Before 1671 (?)/ After 1676 (?)
Portrait of Tsar Ioann V Alexeevich
Portrait of Tsar Ioann V Alexeevich
Late January – early February 1696
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Second half of the 17th century. 1680s (?)
Portrait of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible
Portrait of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible
Before mid-18th century
Portrait of Tsar Michael Feodorovich
Portrait of Tsar Michael Feodorovich
Second half of the 17th century. 1680S (?)
Portrait of Tsaritsa Marfa Matveevna
Portrait of Tsaritsa Marfa Matveevna
December 1681 – 14 February 1682
Portrait of Governess Sofya Alexeevna
Portrait of Governess Sofya Alexeevna
Portrait of the Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna, née Naryshkina
Portrait of the Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna, née Naryshkina
Portrait of “Patriarch” Milak – Boyar Matvei Naryshkin
Unknown painter School of the Armoury Chamber
Portrait of “Patriarch” Milak – Boyar Matvei Naryshkin
Between 1688 and 1692. Before 1692 (?)
Приморский город
Приморский город
Portrait of Prince Anikita Repnin
Portrait of Prince Anikita Repnin
Late 1690s
Portrait of Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna
Portrait of Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna
Late January – early February 1694 (?)
Portrait of Count Boris Sheremetev
Portrait of Count Boris Sheremetev
Late 17th century
Portrait of Yakov Turgenev
Portrait of Yakov Turgenev
1694 (?)
Portrait of Yermak Timofeyevich
Portrait of Yermak Timofeyevich
Portrait of Andrei Besyashchy – Andrei Apraksin
Portrait of Andrei Besyashchy – Andrei Apraksin
Between 8 October 1696 and 11 May 1697
Portrait of a Man with a Pipe in Hand
Portrait of a Man with a Pipe in Hand
Late 17th century
Portrait of Peter I
Unknown painter Western Europe
Portrait of Peter I
1697 (?)
Portrait of Stolnik Fyodor Verigin
Portrait of Stolnik Fyodor Verigin
Before 30 August 1698
Portrait of Prince Andrei the Elder Repnin
Portrait of Prince Andrei the Elder Repnin
After 27 January 1699
Portrait of Prince Andrei the Younger Repnin
Portrait of Prince Andrei the Younger Repnin
After 27 January 1699
Portrait of Alexei Lenin and a Kalmyk
Portrait of Alexei Lenin and a Kalmyk
Early 18th century. Before 1707
Portrait of Alexei Vasilkov
Unknown painter School of the Armoury Chamber
Portrait of Alexei Vasilkov
1700s (?)
Portrait of Tsaritsa Marfa Matveevna, Widow of Tsar Feodor Alexeevich
Portrait of Tsaritsa Marfa Matveevna, Widow of Tsar Feodor Alexeevich
Latter quarter of the 17th – early 18th century. Before 1715 (?)
Морской пейзаж
Морской пейзаж
Portrait of Alexander Danilovich Menshikov
Portrait of Alexander Danilovich Menshikov
The beginning of the XVIII century
Portrait of Catherine I
Portrait of Catherine I
Portrait of Catherine I
Portrait of Catherine I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Интерьер со сценой игры в карты
Интерьер со сценой игры в карты
Медальон «Аллегорическое изображение Азии» (овальный)
Медальон «Аллегорическое изображение Азии» (овальный)
Медальон «Аллегорическое изображение Америки» (овальный)
Медальон «Аллегорическое изображение Америки» (овальный)
Медальон «Аллегорическое изображение Африки» (овальный)
Медальон «Аллегорическое изображение Африки» (овальный)
Медальон «Похищение Европы» (овальный)
Медальон «Похищение Европы» (овальный)
Морской пейзаж
Морской пейзаж
Натюрморт с фруктами
Натюрморт с фруктами
Плафон «Мир и спокойствие»
Плафон «Мир и спокойствие»
Плафон «Прославление деяний Петра I »
Плафон «Прославление деяний Петра I »
Плафон «Торжество Морфея»
Плафон «Торжество Морфея»
Плафон «Триумф Екатерины»
Плафон «Триумф Екатерины»
Плафон овальный «Амур, несущий латы»
Плафон овальный «Амур, несущий латы»
Плафон овальный «Амур, несущий ликторские связки»
Плафон овальный «Амур, несущий ликторские связки»
Плафон овальный «Амур, несущий шлем, украшенный перьями»
Плафон овальный «Амур, несущий шлем, украшенный перьями»
Плафон овальный «Амур, несущий щит»
Плафон овальный «Амур, несущий щит»
Плафон овальный «Триумф Петра I»
Плафон овальный «Триумф Петра I»
Портрет Екатерины I
Портрет Екатерины I
Capture of Azov
Capture of Azov
After 1702
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Early 18th century
Portrait of Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Portrait of Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Late 1700s (?)
Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Wife of Tsarevich Alexis Petrovich
Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Wife of Tsarevich Alexis Petrovich
Portrait of Field Marshal Boris Sheremetev
Portrait of Field Marshal Boris Sheremetev
After 1710
Portrait of Peter the Great
Portrait of Peter the Great
Portrait of Pyotr Tolstoy
Portrait of Pyotr Tolstoy
Late 1710s – 1720s
Portrait of Tsarevna Catherine Ioannovna
Portrait of Tsarevna Catherine Ioannovna
Мужчина с котом
Мужчина с котом
Плафон «Триумф Минервы»
Плафон «Триумф Минервы»
Портрет князя Якова Федоровича Долгорукого
Портрет князя Якова Федоровича Долгорукого
Portrait of Sergei Bukhvostov
Unknown painter School of the Armoury Chamber
Portrait of Sergei Bukhvostov
After August 1711
Portrait of Tsarevich Alexis Petrovich
Portrait of Tsarevich Alexis Petrovich
Early 1710s (?)
Portrait of the Tsarevna Praskovia Ivanovna
Portrait of the Tsarevna Praskovia Ivanovna
Portrait of General Admiral Fyodor Apraksin
Portrait of General Admiral Fyodor Apraksin
Mid-1710s (?)
Portrait of an Old Man in a Red Coat
Portrait of an Old Man in a Red Coat
First half of the 18th century
Портрет царевича Петра Петровича (1715-1719)
Портрет царевича Петра Петровича (1715-1719)
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Tsarevich Peter Petrovich as a Cupid
Portrait of Tsarevich Peter Petrovich as a Cupid
Portrait of Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, sister of Peter I, with Portraits of Tsarina Catherine, Tsareviches Alexis Petrovich, Peter Petrovich and Peter Alexeyevich
Portrait of Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, sister of Peter I, with Portraits of Tsarina Catherine, Tsareviches Alexis Petrovich, Peter Petrovich and Peter Alexeyevich
Between 1716 and 1718
Portrait of the Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Portrait of the Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Before 1716
Potrait of Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna in Childhood
Potrait of Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna in Childhood
Second half of the 1710s
Portrait of Catherine I
Portrait of Catherine I
Portrait of Catherine I in a Peignoir
Portrait of Catherine I in a Peignoir
First half of the 1720s
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Tsar Peter I
Portrait of Tsar Peter I
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of Tsarina Catherine
Portrait of Tsarina Catherine
Portrait of the Giant Nicolas Bourgeois
Portrait of the Giant Nicolas Bourgeois
After 1717 (1716 ?)
Portrait of Field Marshal Mikhail Golitsyn (?)
Portrait of Field Marshal Mikhail Golitsyn (?)
Плафон «Триумф России»
Плафон «Триумф России»
Portrait of Count Pyotr Tolstoy
Portrait of Count Pyotr Tolstoy
1720s (?). Before 1729
Portrait of a Field Hetman
Portrait of a Field Hetman
1720s (1726 or 1727 (?))
Portrait of Peter Alexeyevich and Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna in Their Youth as Apollo and Diana
Portrait of Peter Alexeyevich and Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna in Their Youth as Apollo and Diana
Портрет Петра I
Портрет Петра I
Portrait of  Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Late 1717
Portrait of Tsesarevna Natalia Petrovna
Portrait of Tsesarevna Natalia Petrovna
Peter I at the Battle of Poltava
Peter I at the Battle of Poltava
1724 (1725?)
Portrait of Baroness Maria Stroganova
Portrait of Baroness Maria Stroganova
After April 1724
Portrait of Tsesarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of Tsesarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
1724 (?)
Potrait of Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Potrait of Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Картина «Морской пейзаж»
Картина «Морской пейзаж»
Peter I on His Death Bed
Peter I on His Death Bed
Early 1725
Peter I on His Death Bed
Peter I on His Death Bed
Portrait of Catherine I with a Little Negro Boy
Portrait of Catherine I with a Little Negro Boy
Before December 1725 (?)
Portrait of Count Pyotr Tolstoy
Portrait of Count Pyotr Tolstoy
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter II
Portrait of Peter II
Second half of the 1720s
Portrait of Tsesarevna Anna Petrovna
Portrait of Tsesarevna Anna Petrovna
Портрет Екатерины I
Портрет Екатерины I
Portrait of Baron Sergei Stroganov, Youngest Son of the Salt manufacturer Grigory Stroganov and his Wife Maria
Portrait of Baron Sergei Stroganov, Youngest Son of the Salt manufacturer Grigory Stroganov and his Wife Maria
Portrait of Princess Alexandra Menshikova
Portrait of Princess Alexandra Menshikova
Portrait of Princess Maria Menshikova
Portrait of Princess Maria Menshikova
Portrait of Daria Menshikova (?)
Portrait of Daria Menshikova (?)
Before October 1727
Portrait of Tsarina Eudoxia Feodorovna, née Lopukhina, First Wife of Peter I
Portrait of Tsarina Eudoxia Feodorovna, née Lopukhina, First Wife of Peter I
After 1726 (?)
Портрет княжны Екатерины Алексеевны Долгоруковой, невесты Петра II
Портрет княжны Екатерины Алексеевны Долгоруковой, невесты Петра II
Portrait of Catherine I
Portrait of Catherine I
Late 1720s
Portrait of Peter II
Portrait of Peter II
Portrait of a Boy in Hunting Attire
Portrait of a Boy in Hunting Attire
End of 1720 - beginning of 1730
Self-Portrait with Wife
Self-Portrait with Wife
1729 (?). After 1727 (?)
Портрет княжны Екатерины Алексеевны Долгоруковой
Портрет княжны Екатерины Алексеевны Долгоруковой
Portrait of Empress Anna I Ioannovna
Portrait of Empress Anna I Ioannovna
Second half of the 18th century
Portrait of Grand Duchess Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Emperor Peter II
Portrait of Grand Duchess Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Emperor Peter II
Before 26 October 1731 (?)
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna
Unknown painter the first half of the XVIII century
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna
The first half of the XVIII century
Портрет императрицы Екатерины I с арапчонком
Портрет императрицы Екатерины I с арапчонком
Портрет императрицы Елизаветы Петровны (?)
Портрет императрицы Елизаветы Петровны (?)
Родословное дерево русских государей
Родословное дерево русских государей
Portrait of a Child
Portrait of a Child
Before 8 August 1732
Portrait of a Young Man in a Green Coat
Portrait of a Young Man in a Green Coat
Before 8 August 1732
Portrait of Artemy Volynsky
Portrait of Artemy Volynsky
1730s. 1739(?)
Портрет Феофана Прокоповича
Портрет Феофана Прокоповича
 Портрет княжны А. А. Куракиной
Портрет княжны А. А. Куракиной
Portrait of Admiral Count Nikolai Golovin
Portrait of Admiral Count Nikolai Golovin
Between 1740 and 1744
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Regent Anna Leopoldovna
Portrait of Regent Anna Leopoldovna
Portrait of the Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
Portrait of the Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich
Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich
1740s (?)
Конный портрет Елизаветы Петровны с арапчонком
Конный портрет Елизаветы Петровны с арапчонком
Портрет Анны Леопольдовны в оранжевом платье
Портрет Анны Леопольдовны в оранжевом платье
Портрет великого князя Петра Федоровича
Портрет великого князя Петра Федоровича
1740s (?)
Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich on a Horse
Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich on a Horse
Портрет Иоанна VI (Иоанна Антоновича)
Портрет Иоанна VI (Иоанна Антоновича)
Битая дичь
Битая дичь
Equestrian Portrait of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna with Retinue
Equestrian Portrait of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna with Retinue
Portrait of Catherine Alexeyeva with a Fan in her hand
Portrait of Catherine Alexeyeva with a Fan in her hand
Second half of 1740s (?)
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich and Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich and Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
1745 (?)
Portrait of the Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
Portrait of the Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
Between 1745 and 1749 (?)
Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich
Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich
Портрет князя Б.-Л. А. Куракина
Портрет князя Б.-Л. А. Куракина
Portrait of Sarah Eleanore Fairmore
Portrait of Sarah Eleanore Fairmore
1749/1750 (?)
Портрет Г. Ю. Лесли
Портрет Г. Ю. Лесли
Portrait of Empress Elizabeth I Petrovna
Portrait of Empress Elizabeth I Petrovna
Portrait of Empress Elizabeth I Petrovna in a Black Masquerade Domino with Mask in her Hand
Portrait of Empress Elizabeth I Petrovna in a Black Masquerade Domino with Mask in her Hand
Portrait of the Horse Guards Officer Prince Ivan Lobanov-Rostovsky
Portrait of the Horse Guards Officer Prince Ivan Lobanov-Rostovsky
Архидиакон Стефан
Архидиакон Стефан
Живописное панно
Живописное панно
Картина «Нападение на обоз»
Картина «Нападение на обоз»
Картина «Сельский пейзаж»
Картина «Сельский пейзаж»
Портрет Петра I
Портрет Петра I
Портрет графа Петра Ивановича Шувалова
Портрет графа Петра Ивановича Шувалова
Портрет девочки с собакой
Портрет девочки с собакой
Портрет неизвестной в черном шитом серебром платье
Портрет неизвестной в черном шитом серебром платье
Сретение Господне
Сретение Господне
Catherine the Great Travelling Through Her Country in 1787
Catherine the Great Travelling Through Her Country in 1787
Second half of the 18th century
Female Portrait
Female Portrait
Mid-18th century
Видение святого Антония
Видение святого Антония
Portrait of the Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
Portrait of the Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich
Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich
Flowers, Fruit and a Parrot
Flowers, Fruit and a Parrot
Portrait of Ivan Shuvalov
Portrait of Ivan Shuvalov
Portrait of Princess Ekaterina Lobanova-Rostovskaya
Portrait of Princess Ekaterina Lobanova-Rostovskaya
Собака и кошка у стола с битой птицей
Собака и кошка у стола с битой птицей
Portrait of Ivan Shuvalov
Portrait of Ivan Shuvalov
Between 1755 and 1757
The Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna from the Summer Palace in St.Petersburg
The Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna from the Summer Palace in St.Petersburg
Third quarter of XVIII century
Архангел Гавриил
Архангел Гавриил
1755 - 1756
Архангел Михаил
Архангел Михаил
1755 - 1756
Летний дворец Елизаветы Петровны со стороны Летнего сада в Петербурге
Летний дворец Елизаветы Петровны со стороны Летнего сада в Петербурге
Пророк и Царь Соломон
Пророк и Царь Соломон
1755 - 1756
Portrait of Empress Elizabeth I Petrovna
Portrait of Empress Elizabeth I Petrovna
Equestrian Portrait of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna with a Little Negro Footboy
Equestrian Portrait of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna with a Little Negro Footboy
Equestrian Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich
Equestrian Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich
1757 (?)
Portrait of William George Fairmore
Portrait of William George Fairmore
Second half of the 1750
Леопард с ягненком (барс, терзающий овцу)
Леопард с ягненком (барс, терзающий овцу)
Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich
Portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich
Портрет архиепископа Вениамина Пуцек-Григоровича
Портрет архиепископа Вениамина Пуцек-Григоровича
Портрет графини А. М. Воронцовой
Портрет графини А. М. Воронцовой
Портрет архитектора Ф.-Б. Растрелли
Портрет архитектора Ф.-Б. Растрелли
 Портрет графа И. И. Воронцова
Портрет графа И. И. Воронцова
Portrait of Catherine II
Portrait of Catherine II
Portrait of Empress Catherine I
Portrait of Empress Catherine I
Portrait of Ivan Betskoy
Portrait of Ivan Betskoy
The second half of the 18th century
Portrait of Sylvester Kulyabka
Portrait of Sylvester Kulyabka
Портрет И. И. Шувалова
Портрет И. И. Шувалова
Портрет адмирала Семена Ивановича Мордвинова (1701-1777)
Портрет адмирала Семена Ивановича Мордвинова (1701-1777)
Портрет военного в бригадирском мундире
Портрет военного в бригадирском мундире
Портрет графини М. А. Воронцовой
Портрет графини М. А. Воронцовой
Portrait of Brigadier Fyodor Krasnoschekov, Ataman of the Don Cossachs
Portrait of Brigadier Fyodor Krasnoschekov, Ataman of the Don Cossachs
Императрица Елизавета Петровна — покровительница искусств
Императрица Елизавета Петровна — покровительница искусств
Портрет великого князя Павла Петровича в детстве
Портрет великого князя Павла Петровича в детстве
Catherine II's Accession to the Throne
Catherine II's Accession to the Throne
Portrait of Catherine II
Portrait of Catherine II
Portrait of Emperor Peter III
Portrait of Emperor Peter III
1762 (?)
Portrait of Emperor Peter III
Portrait of Emperor Peter III
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Feodorovich
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Feodorovich
About 1762
Portrait of Peter III
Portrait of Peter III
The Miraculous Draught of Fish
The Miraculous Draught of Fish
Coronation Portrait of Catherine II
Coronation Portrait of Catherine II
Between 1763 and 1766
Portrait of Adjutant General Count Grigory Orlov
Portrait of Adjutant General Count Grigory Orlov
After 1763
Portrait of Countess Anna Vorontsova, née Skavronskaya, Wife of the Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov
Portrait of Countess Anna Vorontsova, née Skavronskaya, Wife of the Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov
Portrait of the Actor Fyodor Volkov, Founder of the First Russian Public Theatre
Portrait of the Actor Fyodor Volkov, Founder of the First Russian Public Theatre
Портрет князя М. М. Голицына младшего, президента Адмиралтейств-коллегии
Портрет князя М. М. Голицына младшего, президента Адмиралтейств-коллегии
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Портрет Доминика Радзивилла
Портрет Доминика Радзивилла
Портрет великого князя Павла Петровича
Портрет великого князя Павла Петровича
Peasant Carousal
Peasant Carousal
Late 1760s — early 1770s
Portrait of Count Alexei Bobrinsky, Illegitimate Son of Catherine II and Count Grigory Orlov, in Childhood
Portrait of Count Alexei Bobrinsky, Illegitimate Son of Catherine II and Count Grigory Orlov, in Childhood
Portrait of Count Ivan Orlov, Retired Captain of  the Preobrazhensky Life Guards
Portrait of Count Ivan Orlov, Retired Captain of the Preobrazhensky Life Guards
Portrait of Grand Duke Paul Petrovich with a Negro Boy
Portrait of Grand Duke Paul Petrovich with a Negro Boy
Здание Двенадцати коллегий
Здание Двенадцати коллегий
Портрет Н.А. Демидова.
Портрет Н.А. Демидова.
Портрет действительного тайного советника вице-канцлера князя Александра Михайловича Голицына (1723-1807)
Портрет действительного тайного советника вице-канцлера князя Александра Михайловича Голицына (1723-1807)
Portrait of Catherine II in a Fur Hat
Portrait of Catherine II in a Fur Hat
Портрет С. Я. Яковлева
Портрет С. Я. Яковлева
Portrait of Adjutant General Count Grigory Orlov
Portrait of Adjutant General Count Grigory Orlov
After 1768
Do no Evil and Do not Annoy any Person
Do no Evil and Do not Annoy any Person
Do no Harm to any Animal and Do not Enrage it
Do no Harm to any Animal and Do not Enrage it
Do not Lie
Do not Lie
Never be idle
Never be idle
Portrait of a Woman in Russian Costume
Portrait of a Woman in Russian Costume
Zeus and Thetis
Zeus and Thetis
Портрет А. Ф. Кокоринова
Портрет А. Ф. Кокоринова
Catherine II as Minerva, Patroness of the Arts
Catherine II as Minerva, Patroness of the Arts
Portrait of Admiral Alexei Senyavin
Portrait of Admiral Alexei Senyavin
Portrait of Peter the Great
Portrait of Peter the Great
Portrait of the Grand Duke Paul Petrovich
Portrait of the Grand Duke Paul Petrovich
Portrait of the Senator and General-in-Chief Count Roman Vorontsov
Portrait of the Senator and General-in-Chief Count Roman Vorontsov
Vladimir and Rogneda
Vladimir and Rogneda
Взятие Богоматери на небо
Взятие Богоматери на небо
Портрет Д. В. Арсеньева
Портрет Д. В. Арсеньева
Портрет великого князя Павла Петровича
Портрет великого князя Павла Петровича
Портрет великого князя Павла Петровича (тип В. Эриксена)
Портрет великого князя Павла Петровича (тип В. Эриксена)
Портрет великого князя Павла Петровича в юности
Портрет великого князя Павла Петровича в юности
Портрет княгини Варвары Ивановны Трубецкой, урожденной княгини Одоевской (ум. 1788)
Портрет княгини Варвары Ивановны Трубецкой, урожденной княгини Одоевской (ум. 1788)
Портрет князя Дмитрия Юрьевича Трубецкого (ум.1792)
Портрет князя Дмитрия Юрьевича Трубецкого (ум.1792)
Centenarian Resident of Tsarskoye Selo with her Family
Centenarian Resident of Tsarskoye Selo with her Family
Portrait of Grand Duke Paul Petrovich
Portrait of Grand Duke Paul Petrovich
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Fedosia Rzhevskaya and Nastasia Davydova
Portrait of Fedosia Rzhevskaya and Nastasia Davydova
Portrait of Rear Admiral Samuel Greig
Portrait of Rear Admiral Samuel Greig
Portrait of the Empress Catherine II
Portrait of the Empress Catherine II
Портрет Василия Алексеевича Злобина
Портрет Василия Алексеевича Злобина
Portrait of Ekaterina Khruschova and Ekaterina Khovanskaya
Portrait of Ekaterina Khruschova and Ekaterina Khovanskaya
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of the History and Geography Teacher Baudouin with Two Academy of Arts Pupils of the First and Third Grades
Portrait of the History and Geography Teacher Baudouin with Two Academy of Arts Pupils of the First and Third Grades
Портрет С. Б. Шубина
Портрет С. Б. Шубина
Портрет графа С. Р. Воронцова
Портрет графа С. Р. Воронцова
Portrait of Admiral Ivan Talyzin
Portrait of Admiral Ivan Talyzin
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
Portrait of Vice-Admiral Samuel Greig
Portrait of Vice-Admiral Samuel Greig
Prometheus Making a Statue at the Command of Minerva
Prometheus Making a Statue at the Command of Minerva
Portrait of Glafira Alymova
Portrait of Glafira Alymova
Portrait of Yekaterina Molchanova
Portrait of Yekaterina Molchanova
Portret of Natalia Borscheva
Portret of Natalia Borscheva
Портрет художника А. П. Антропова с сыном перед портретом жены
Портрет художника А. П. Антропова с сыном перед портретом жены
Portrait of Catherine II in Guards Uniform on her Horse Brilliant
Portrait of Catherine II in Guards Uniform on her Horse Brilliant
Portrait of Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich in Childhood
Portrait of Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich in Childhood
Late 18th Century
Portrait of Catherine II
Portrait of Catherine II
Portrait of Catherine II before a Mirror
Portrait of Catherine II before a Mirror
Portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna
Portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna
The Arrival of the French Embassy to Venice
The Arrival of the French Embassy to Venice
Not earlier than 1779 – not later than 1797
The Marriage of the Doge to Adriatica in Venice
The Marriage of the Doge to Adriatica in Venice
Not earlier that 1779 – not later than 1797
Взятие Богоматери на небо
Взятие Богоматери на небо
Portrait of Catherine II
Portrait of Catherine II
After 1780s – early 1790s
Portrait of Lieutenant General of the Infantry Prince Grigory Volkonsky
Portrait of Lieutenant General of the Infantry Prince Grigory Volkonsky
Between 1780 and 1786
Portrait of the Empress Catherine II
Unknown painter (Fyodor Rokotov?)
Portrait of the Empress Catherine II
Red Square in Moscow
Red Square in Moscow
The Grand Canal in Venice. View onto the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute
The Grand Canal in Venice. View onto the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute
No earlier than 1779 – no later than 1797
Портрет графа А. И. Воронцова
Портрет графа А. И. Воронцова
Портрет графа Михаила Семеновича Воронцова в детстве
Портрет графа Михаила Семеновича Воронцова в детстве
Портрет графа Никиты Ивановича Панина
Портрет графа Никиты Ивановича Панина
Портрет графини Е. А. Воронцовой
Портрет графини Е. А. Воронцовой
Портрет графини М. А. Воронцовой
Портрет графини М. А. Воронцовой
Портрет морского офицера
Портрет морского офицера
Portrait of the Writer Alexander Khrapovitsky
Portrait of the Writer Alexander Khrapovitsky
Портрет великого князя Константина Павловича в детстве
Портрет великого князя Константина Павловича в детстве
Portrait of Alexander Lanskoi
Portrait of Alexander Lanskoi
Portrait of Catherine II
Portrait of Catherine II
Portrait of Catherine II the Legislatress in the Temple of the Goddess of Justice
Portrait of Catherine II the Legislatress in the Temple of the Goddess of Justice
Портрет Н. А. Львова, архитектора, художника и поэта
Портрет Н. А. Львова, архитектора, художника и поэта
Portrait of Agatha Levitskaya, the Artist’s Daughter
Portrait of Agatha Levitskaya, the Artist’s Daughter
Portrait of Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich in Childhood
Portrait of Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich in Childhood
Portrait of Count Ivan Saltykov
Portrait of Count Ivan Saltykov
Between 1785 and 1796
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count Fyodor Orlov
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count Fyodor Orlov
Portrait of Varvara Surovtseva, nee Pashkova
Portrait of Varvara Surovtseva, nee Pashkova
The second half of the 1780s
Портрет Екатерины Петровны Томиловой, рожд. Шамшевой
Портрет Екатерины Петровны Томиловой, рожд. Шамшевой
Портрет Романа Никифоровича Томилова (1741-1792)
Портрет Романа Никифоровича Томилова (1741-1792)
Портрет архитектора Ю. М. Фельтена
Портрет архитектора Ю. М. Фельтена
Catherine II’s Journey across Russia in 1787
Catherine II’s Journey across Russia in 1787
Portrait of Catherine II in Travelling Costume
Portrait of Catherine II in Travelling Costume
Portrait of the Architect and Adjunct Rector of the Academy of Arts Georg Friedrich Felten
Portrait of the Architect and Adjunct Rector of the Academy of Arts Georg Friedrich Felten
Portrait of the Lady of the Bedchamber Anna Protasova
Portrait of the Lady of the Bedchamber Anna Protasova
The Gatchina (Orlov) Gates and the Ruins in Tsarskoye Selo
The Gatchina (Orlov) Gates and the Ruins in Tsarskoye Selo
Портрет графини А. А. Воронцовой
Портрет графини А. А. Воронцовой
Portrait of the Most Serene Prince Grigoriy Potemkin
Portrait of the Most Serene Prince Grigoriy Potemkin
After 1789
Архидьякон Стефан
Архидьякон Стефан
Иоанн Богослов
Иоанн Богослов
Портрет А. М. Протасовой
Портрет А. М. Протасовой
Портрет И.П. Елагина
Портрет И.П. Елагина
 Калмычонок с собакой
Калмычонок с собакой
A Family Portrait. (Vasily Nebolsin, his Wife Avdotia, née Muromtseva, and Child?)
A Family Portrait. (Vasily Nebolsin, his Wife Avdotia, née Muromtseva, and Child?)
Allegorical composition
Allegorical composition
The end of 18th century
Portrait of Admiral Vasily Chichagov
Portrait of Admiral Vasily Chichagov
After 1790
Portrait of Countess Ekaterina  Samoylova
Portrait of Countess Ekaterina Samoylova
Portrait of Empress Catherine the Great
Portrait of Empress Catherine the Great
Second half of the 18th century
Portrait of Olga Filippova, née Mikhailova, Wife of the Architect’s Assistant Pavel Filippov
Portrait of Olga Filippova, née Mikhailova, Wife of the Architect’s Assistant Pavel Filippov
Portrait of Olga Zherebtsova, née Zubova, Wife of the Privy Councillor Alexander Zherebtsov
Portrait of Olga Zherebtsova, née Zubova, Wife of the Privy Councillor Alexander Zherebtsov
Portrait of the Serf Actor Ivan Yakimov Dressed as Cupid
Portrait of the Serf Actor Ivan Yakimov Dressed as Cupid
View of Palace Embankment from the Peter and Paul Fortress
View of Palace Embankment from the Peter and Paul Fortress
Портрет Екатерины II
Портрет Екатерины II
Портрет Марии Дмитриевны Мелиссино
Портрет Марии Дмитриевны Мелиссино
Портрет С. К. Витт
Портрет С. К. Витт
1790s (1792?)
Портрет великого князя Александра Павловича
Портрет великого князя Александра Павловича
Портрет графини П. А. Воронцовой
Портрет графини П. А. Воронцовой
Портрет графини П. А. Воронцовой в детстве
Портрет графини П. А. Воронцовой в детстве
Портрет графини П. Ф. Воронцовой
Портрет графини П. Ф. Воронцовой
Приморский вид
Приморский вид
Ребенок в лиловом платье с голубем
Ребенок в лиловом платье с голубем
Portrait of Brigadier Valerian Zubov
Portrait of Brigadier Valerian Zubov
1791 (2?)
Portrait of the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich
Portrait of the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich
Portrait of the Most Serene Prince Grigoriy Potemkin
Portrait of the Most Serene Prince Grigoriy Potemkin
After 1791
Портрет великого князя Александра Павловича
Портрет великого князя Александра Павловича
Портрет графа А.А. Безбородко
Портрет графа А.А. Безбородко
Портрет девочки с болонкой
Портрет девочки с болонкой
An Architectural View
An Architectural View
Portrait of the Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich
Portrait of the Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich
Tobogganing on the Neva
Tobogganing on the Neva
Крещение княгини Ольги в Константинополе
Крещение княгини Ольги в Константинополе
Портрет князя П.А. Зубова
Портрет князя П.А. Зубова
Alexander Nevsky's Ceremonial Entry into the Town of Pskov after his Victory over the Germans
Alexander Nevsky's Ceremonial Entry into the Town of Pskov after his Victory over the Germans
1793 (4?)
Portrait of Countess Yekaterina Stroganova, née Princess Trubetskaya, Wife of the Lord High Chamberlain Prince Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Countess Yekaterina Stroganova, née Princess Trubetskaya, Wife of the Lord High Chamberlain Prince Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of the Empress Catherine II
Portrait of the Empress Catherine II
Portrait of the Empress Catherine II
Portrait of the Empress Catherine II
Портрет императрицы Екатерины II с аллегорическими фигурами Сатурна и Истории
Портрет императрицы Екатерины II с аллегорическими фигурами Сатурна и Истории
Portrait of Prince Nikolai Yassupov, Senator and Honorary Lover of the Academy of Art
Portrait of Prince Nikolai Yassupov, Senator and Honorary Lover of the Academy of Art
View onto the Kremlin from the Stone Bridge
View onto the Kremlin from the Stone Bridge
Ice Slopes in Moscow on Neglinnaya Street during Shrove Week
Ice Slopes in Moscow on Neglinnaya Street during Shrove Week
Portrait of Ekaterina Arsenieva, Pupil at the Smolny Finishing School
Portrait of Ekaterina Arsenieva, Pupil at the Smolny Finishing School
Portrait of Natalia Suvorova
Portrait of Natalia Suvorova
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
The Anointing of the Grand  Duchess Elizabeth Alexeyevna
The Anointing of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alexeyevna
The Podnovinskoye Suburb in Moscow during a National Holiday
The Podnovinskoye Suburb in Moscow during a National Holiday
View from St Ivan’s Square in the Kremlin onto the Prelate’s Residence, the Spassky Tower and the Church of St Nicholas of Gоstun
View from St Ivan’s Square in the Kremlin onto the Prelate’s Residence, the Spassky Tower and the Church of St Nicholas of Gоstun
View of Red Square in Moscow
View of Red Square in Moscow
Портрет великой княгини Марии Федоровны
Портрет великой княгини Марии Федоровны
Портрет неизвестного из рода Милорадовичей
Портрет неизвестного из рода Милорадовичей
Портрет неизвестной из рода Милорадовичей
Портрет неизвестной из рода Милорадовичей
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count  Valerian Zubov
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count Valerian Zubov
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna
Portrait of Murtaza Kuli, Brother of the Shah of Persia, Āghā Muhammad
Portrait of Murtaza Kuli, Brother of the Shah of Persia, Āghā Muhammad
Portrait of Skobeyeva, Wife of the Smolensk Landlord D. Skobeyev
Portrait of Skobeyeva, Wife of the Smolensk Landlord D. Skobeyev
The second half of the 1790s
Portrait of the Grand Master of the Ordnance, the Most Serene Prince Platon Zubov in the Robes of a Knight of St Andrew
Portrait of the Grand Master of the Ordnance, the Most Serene Prince Platon Zubov in the Robes of a Knight of St Andrew
Testing the Strength of Jan Usmar
Testing the Strength of Jan Usmar
1796 (1797?)
View of the Serebrenichesky Bath-Houses in Moscow
View of the Serebrenichesky Bath-Houses in Moscow
View onto the Admiralty from the Vasilyevsky Island Embankment
View onto the Admiralty from the Vasilyevsky Island Embankment
Between 1796 and 1803 (?)
View onto the Moskvoretsk Bridge and the Kremlin
View onto the Moskvoretsk Bridge and the Kremlin
View onto the Stone Bridge from the Vodovzvodnaya Tower Side
View onto the Stone Bridge from the Vodovzvodnaya Tower Side
Вид на Дворцовую набережную и Летний сад с Петербургской стороны
Вид на Дворцовую набережную и Летний сад с Петербургской стороны
Вид на Петропавловскую крепость
Вид на Петропавловскую крепость
Мученик Акакий
Мученик Акакий
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of the Empress Marie Fyodorovna
Portrait of the Empress Marie Fyodorovna
Portrait of the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich
Portrait of the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich
View of the Yauza Bridge and Shapkin’s House in Moscow
View of the Yauza Bridge and Shapkin’s House in Moscow
View onto Moscow from the Balcony of the Kremlin Palace in the Direction of the Moskvoretsky Bridge
View onto Moscow from the Balcony of the Kremlin Palace in the Direction of the Moskvoretsky Bridge
View onto the Stroganov Dacha in St Petersburg
View onto the Stroganov Dacha in St Petersburg
Портрет адъюнкт-ректора Академии художеств И. Е. Старова
Портрет адъюнкт-ректора Академии художеств И. Е. Старова
Портрет императрицы Марии Федоровны
Портрет императрицы Марии Федоровны
Портрет митрополита Гавриила (Петрова) (1730-1801)
Портрет митрополита Гавриила (Петрова) (1730-1801)
Portrait of Anna Bezobrazova
Portrait of Anna Bezobrazova
Late 1790s
Portrait of Anna Protasova, Maid of Honour of the Bedchamber to Catherine II
Portrait of Anna Protasova, Maid of Honour of the Bedchamber to Catherine II
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Marfa Arbenieva
Portrait of Marfa Arbenieva
Portrait of Paul I
Portrait of Paul I
Portrait of the Empress Marie Fyodorovna
Portrait of the Empress Marie Fyodorovna
View Towards the Stone Bridge from a Balcony of the Kremlin Palace in Moscow
View Towards the Stone Bridge from a Balcony of the Kremlin Palace in Moscow
View from the Balcony of the Ostankino Palace outside Moscow
View from the Balcony of the Ostankino Palace outside Moscow
View in the Environs of Kolomenskoye outside Moscow
View in the Environs of Kolomenskoye outside Moscow
View of the Town of Bakhchisarai
View of the Town of Bakhchisarai
Between 1798 and 1800
View of the Town of Nikolayev
View of the Town of Nikolayev
Between 1798 and 1800
View onto Tsaritsyn Field in the Environs of Kolomenskoye outside Moscow
View onto Tsaritsyn Field in the Environs of Kolomenskoye outside Moscow
View onto the St Sergius Trinity Monastery from the Bethany Monastery of Our Saviour
View onto the St Sergius Trinity Monastery from the Bethany Monastery of Our Saviour
Портрет Я. И. Сиверса
Портрет Я. И. Сиверса
Portrait of Anna Muravyova-Apostol with her Son Mathew and her Daughter Catherine
Portrait of Anna Muravyova-Apostol with her Son Mathew and her Daughter Catherine
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Major General Fyodor Borowsky
Portrait of Major General Fyodor Borowsky
Portrait of Prince Alexander Kurakin
Portrait of Prince Alexander Kurakin
Portrait of the Director of the Artillery School Lieutenant General Alexei Korsakov
Portrait of the Director of the Artillery School Lieutenant General Alexei Korsakov
The Election of Mikhail Romanov as Tsar
The Election of Mikhail Romanov as Tsar
The Field of Mars with the Obelisk “To Rumyantsev’s Victories”
The Field of Mars with the Obelisk “To Rumyantsev’s Victories”
After 1799
The Taking of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible
The Taking of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible
View of the Peter and Paul Fortress and Palace Embankment
View of the Peter and Paul Fortress and Palace Embankment
Портрет И. Е. Арбенева в мундире лейб-гвардии Измайловского полка
Портрет И. Е. Арбенева в мундире лейб-гвардии Измайловского полка
Portrait of Count Fyodor Rostopchin with a Billiard Cue in his Hand
Portrait of Count Fyodor Rostopchin with a Billiard Cue in his Hand
Circa 1812
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Nikolai Demidov
Portrait of Nikolai Demidov
Portrait of Paul I
Portrait of Paul I
Portrait of the Empress Elizabeth Alexeyevna
Portrait of the Empress Elizabeth Alexeyevna
View onto St. Michael’s Castle and Connetable Square in Saint Petersburg
View onto St. Michael’s Castle and Connetable Square in Saint Petersburg
View onto St. Michael’s Castle in Saint Petersburg from the Fontanka Side
View onto St. Michael’s Castle in Saint Petersburg from the Fontanka Side
Площадь в Московском Кремле
Площадь в Московском Кремле
Портрет А. Б. Куракина
Портрет А. Б. Куракина
Портрет Г.Г. Кушелева
Портрет Г.Г. Кушелева
Портрет Елизаветы Алексеевны
Портрет Елизаветы Алексеевны
1800 (1?)
Портрет Ивана Васильевича Кусова (1750–1819)
Портрет Ивана Васильевича Кусова (1750–1819)
Портрет императрицы Елизаветы Алексеевны
Портрет императрицы Елизаветы Алексеевны
Портрет императрицы Марии Федоровны в траурном платье
Портрет императрицы Марии Федоровны в траурном платье
Портрет светлейшего князя П. В. Лопухина
Портрет светлейшего князя П. В. Лопухина
Призвание князя Пожарского
Призвание князя Пожарского
Portrait of Count Alexei Arakcheyev
Portrait of Count Alexei Arakcheyev
Portrait of a Woman in an Old-Fashioned Wedding Dress
Portrait of a Woman in an Old-Fashioned Wedding Dress
First half of the 19th century
Transferring the Tikhvin Icon of God from the Blessed Virgin to the Cathedral of the Dormiton in Tikhvin on 9 June 1798
Transferring the Tikhvin Icon of God from the Blessed Virgin to the Cathedral of the Dormiton in Tikhvin on 9 June 1798
Большой театр в Петербурге
Большой театр в Петербурге
Вид на Английскую набережную с Васильевского острова
Вид на Английскую набережную с Васильевского острова
Восшествие на престол Александра I
Восшествие на престол Александра I
Портрет А. П. Гагариной
Портрет А. П. Гагариной
Портрет Петра Петровича
Портрет Петра Петровича
Портрет военного с мальтийским (?) крестом
Портрет военного с мальтийским (?) крестом
Портрет неизвестного из семьи Гагариных
Портрет неизвестного из семьи Гагариных
Развод караула на Дворцовой площади
Развод караула на Дворцовой площади
Сельский пейзаж
Сельский пейзаж
Portrait of Mikhail Trakhimovsky, Military Councillor and Godfather of Nikolai Gogol
Portrait of Mikhail Trakhimovsky, Military Councillor and Godfather of Nikolai Gogol
Вид на Академию художеств и Кадетский корпус
Вид на Академию художеств и Кадетский корпус
Портрет Александра I
Портрет Александра I
Portrait of Countess Anna Bezborodko and her Daughters Lyubov and Cleopatra
Portrait of Countess Anna Bezborodko and her Daughters Lyubov and Cleopatra
Вид на Английскую набережную с Васильевского острова
Вид на Английскую набережную с Васильевского острова
Молодые художники
Молодые художники
Портрет А. К. Швальбе (отца художника)
Портрет А. К. Швальбе (отца художника)
Портрет архитектора А. Д. Захарова
Портрет архитектора А. Д. Захарова
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I
View of the Moscow Kremlin from the Stone Bridge
View of the Moscow Kremlin from the Stone Bridge
Дмитрий Донской на Куликовом поле
Дмитрий Донской на Куликовом поле
Дмитрий Донской на Куликовом поле
Дмитрий Донской на Куликовом поле
Портрет А. И. Голенищевой-Кутузовой
Портрет А. И. Голенищевой-Кутузовой
Пришествие в Киев греческих послов с дарами к князю Владимиру Мономаху
Пришествие в Киев греческих послов с дарами к князю Владимиру Мономаху
Portrait of the Grand Duke Nicholai Pavlovich
Portrait of the Grand Duke Nicholai Pavlovich
View of the Neva and Peter the Great’s Summer Palace
View of the Neva and Peter the Great’s Summer Palace
Between 1807 and 1816
Портрет А. С. Бибиковой
Портрет А. С. Бибиковой
Catherine II Promenading in the Tsarskoye Selo Park (With the Obelisk to Count Pyotr Rumyantsev's Victories in the Background)
Catherine II Promenading in the Tsarskoye Selo Park (With the Obelisk to Count Pyotr Rumyantsev's Victories in the Background)
Late 1800s — early 1810s
Martha the Mayoress (Theodosious Boretsky the Hermit Awarding the Sword of Ratmir to Miroslav, Young Chieftain of the Novgorodians and Fiancé of Xenia, Daughter of Mayoress Marfa of Novgorod)
Martha the Mayoress (Theodosious Boretsky the Hermit Awarding the Sword of Ratmir to Miroslav, Young Chieftain of the Novgorodians and Fiancé of Xenia, Daughter of Mayoress Marfa of Novgorod)
Portrait of Alexei Tomilov
Portrait of Alexei Tomilov
Portrait of Count Pavel Stroganov
Portrait of Count Pavel Stroganov
Portrait of Count Yevgraf Komarovsky
Portrait of Count Yevgraf Komarovsky
Portrait of Countess Sofia Stroganova
Portrait of Countess Sofia Stroganova
Портрет графа Николая Николаевича Новосильцева (1762-1838), члена "негласного комитета" при Александре I
Портрет графа Николая Николаевича Новосильцева (1762-1838), члена "негласного комитета" при Александре I
Portrait of Life Guard Colonel Yevgraf Davydov
Portrait of Life Guard Colonel Yevgraf Davydov
Портрет кн. А. Б. Куракина
Портрет кн. А. Б. Куракина
Portrait of Count Nikolai Rumyantsev
Portrait of Count Nikolai Rumyantsev
1810s (?)
Portrait of the Member of the State Council and Collector Count Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of the Member of the State Council and Collector Count Alexander Stroganov
Late 1810s — early 1820s
The Heroism of a Young Kievian at the siege of Kiev by the Pechenegs in 968
The Heroism of a Young Kievian at the siege of Kiev by the Pechenegs in 968
About 1810
View of the English Embankment from Vasilyevsky Island
View of the English Embankment from Vasilyevsky Island
View of the Kazan Cathedral in St Petersburg
View of the Kazan Cathedral in St Petersburg
After 1810
View onto the Admiralty and Palace Embankment from the First Cadet Corps
View onto the Admiralty and Palace Embankment from the First Cadet Corps
Автопортрет в бархатном берете, с рейсфедером
Автопортрет в бархатном берете, с рейсфедером
Архангел Гавриил
Архангел Гавриил
Архидиакон Филипп
Архидиакон Филипп
Дорога на берегу озера
Дорога на берегу озера
Портрет Вильгельма, принца Оранского
Портрет Вильгельма, принца Оранского
Портрет архиепископа Псковского Иринея Клементьевского (1751-1818) в мантии ордена Александра Невского
Портрет архиепископа Псковского Иринея Клементьевского (1751-1818) в мантии ордена Александра Невского
Портрет великого князя Павла Константиновича Александрова в детстве
Портрет великого князя Павла Константиновича Александрова в детстве
Portrait of the Artist and Art Teacher Kirill Golovachevsky with Three Pupils of the Imperial Academy of Arts
Portrait of the Artist and Art Teacher Kirill Golovachevsky with Three Pupils of the Imperial Academy of Arts
Автопортрет (?)
Автопортрет (?)
Blessing a Militiaman in 1812
Blessing a Militiaman in 1812
The Monomachy of Prince Mstislav the Daring and Prince Rededia of the Adyghes
The Monomachy of Prince Mstislav the Daring and Prince Rededia of the Adyghes
Благодетельное призрение и попечение императрицы Марии Федоровны о бедных
Благодетельное призрение и попечение императрицы Марии Федоровны о бедных
Портрет Н. И. Горбунова
Портрет Н. И. Горбунова
Портрет архитектора К. И. Росси (1775-1849)
Портрет архитектора К. И. Росси (1775-1849)
Портрет князя Г.С. Голицына
Портрет князя Г.С. Голицына
Портрет художника Д. Г. Левицкого (1735-1822)
Портрет художника Д. Г. Левицкого (1735-1822)
Portrait of Vasily Musin-Pushkin-Bruce
Portrait of Vasily Musin-Pushkin-Bruce
After 1813
Портрет графа Матвея Ивановича Платова на коне
Портрет графа Матвея Ивановича Платова на коне
Расстрел французами русских патриотов в Москве в 1812 году
Расстрел французами русских патриотов в Москве в 1812 году
Alexander I. Scene in the Military Camp
Alexander I. Scene in the Military Camp
Portrait of Anna Stremoukhova, née Belavina
Portrait of Anna Stremoukhova, née Belavina
The Flagellation of Christ
The Flagellation of Christ
Портрет П. К. Сухтелена
Портрет П. К. Сухтелена
Портрет князей А. А. и А. Г. Лобановых-Ростовских
Портрет князей А. А. и А. Г. Лобановых-Ростовских
 Портрет графа А.С.Строганова
Портрет графа А.С.Строганова
Battle of Leipzig on 6 October 1813
Battle of Leipzig on 6 October 1813
Portrait of Countess Natalia Stroganova, Wife of Adjutant General Baron Sergei Stroganov
Portrait of Countess Natalia Stroganova, Wife of Adjutant General Baron Sergei Stroganov
Вид Михайловского замка в Петербурге
Вид Михайловского замка в Петербурге
Гористый пейзаж с рекой
Гористый пейзаж с рекой
Отражение в зеркале
Отражение в зеркале
Портрет А. О. Орловского
Портрет А. О. Орловского

Total: 103
Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500
Portrait of Yakov Turgenev
Portrait of Yakov Turgenev
1694 (?)
Portrait of the Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Portrait of the Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Before 1716
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of a Field Hetman
Portrait of a Field Hetman
1720s (1726 or 1727 (?))
Portrait of  Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
Late 1717
Peter I at the Battle of Poltava
Peter I at the Battle of Poltava
1724 (1725?)
Portrait of Tsesarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
Portrait of Tsesarevna Elizabeth Petrovna
1724 (?)
Peter I on His Death Bed
Peter I on His Death Bed
Early 1725
Portrait of Baron Sergei Stroganov, Youngest Son of the Salt manufacturer Grigory Stroganov and his Wife Maria
Portrait of Baron Sergei Stroganov, Youngest Son of the Salt manufacturer Grigory Stroganov and his Wife Maria
Self-Portrait with Wife
Self-Portrait with Wife
1729 (?). After 1727 (?)
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich and Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich and Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
1745 (?)
Portrait of Sarah Eleanore Fairmore
Portrait of Sarah Eleanore Fairmore
1749/1750 (?)
Portrait of Princess Ekaterina Lobanova-Rostovskaya
Portrait of Princess Ekaterina Lobanova-Rostovskaya
The Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna from the Summer Palace in St.Petersburg
The Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna from the Summer Palace in St.Petersburg
Third quarter of XVIII century
Portrait of William George Fairmore
Portrait of William George Fairmore
Second half of the 1750
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Feodorovich
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Feodorovich
About 1762
Portrait of Peter III
Portrait of Peter III
Portrait of Countess Anna Vorontsova, née Skavronskaya, Wife of the Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov
Portrait of Countess Anna Vorontsova, née Skavronskaya, Wife of the Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov
Portrait of the Actor Fyodor Volkov, Founder of the First Russian Public Theatre
Portrait of the Actor Fyodor Volkov, Founder of the First Russian Public Theatre
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Portrait of Count Alexei Bobrinsky, Illegitimate Son of Catherine II and Count Grigory Orlov, in Childhood
Portrait of Count Alexei Bobrinsky, Illegitimate Son of Catherine II and Count Grigory Orlov, in Childhood
Здание Двенадцати коллегий
Здание Двенадцати коллегий
Vladimir and Rogneda
Vladimir and Rogneda
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Fedosia Rzhevskaya and Nastasia Davydova
Portrait of Fedosia Rzhevskaya and Nastasia Davydova
Portrait of Ekaterina Khruschova and Ekaterina Khovanskaya
Portrait of Ekaterina Khruschova and Ekaterina Khovanskaya
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
Portrait of Glafira Alymova
Portrait of Glafira Alymova
Portrait of Yekaterina Molchanova
Portrait of Yekaterina Molchanova
Portret of Natalia Borscheva
Portret of Natalia Borscheva
Portrait of Catherine II the Legislatress in the Temple of the Goddess of Justice
Portrait of Catherine II the Legislatress in the Temple of the Goddess of Justice
Portrait of Agatha Levitskaya, the Artist’s Daughter
Portrait of Agatha Levitskaya, the Artist’s Daughter
Portrait of Varvara Surovtseva, nee Pashkova
Portrait of Varvara Surovtseva, nee Pashkova
The second half of the 1780s
Alexander Nevsky's Ceremonial Entry into the Town of Pskov after his Victory over the Germans
Alexander Nevsky's Ceremonial Entry into the Town of Pskov after his Victory over the Germans
1793 (4?)
Portrait of Countess Yekaterina Stroganova, née Princess Trubetskaya, Wife of the Lord High Chamberlain Prince Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Countess Yekaterina Stroganova, née Princess Trubetskaya, Wife of the Lord High Chamberlain Prince Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Ekaterina Arsenieva, Pupil at the Smolny Finishing School
Portrait of Ekaterina Arsenieva, Pupil at the Smolny Finishing School
Portrait of Peter I
Portrait of Peter I
The Anointing of the Grand  Duchess Elizabeth Alexeyevna
The Anointing of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alexeyevna
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count  Valerian Zubov
Portrait of General-in-Chief Count Valerian Zubov
Portrait of Murtaza Kuli, Brother of the Shah of Persia, Āghā Muhammad
Portrait of Murtaza Kuli, Brother of the Shah of Persia, Āghā Muhammad
Portrait of Skobeyeva, Wife of the Smolensk Landlord D. Skobeyev
Portrait of Skobeyeva, Wife of the Smolensk Landlord D. Skobeyev
The second half of the 1790s
Testing the Strength of Jan Usmar
Testing the Strength of Jan Usmar
1796 (1797?)
Portrait of Paul I
Portrait of Paul I
Portrait of Major General Fyodor Borowsky
Portrait of Major General Fyodor Borowsky
Portrait of Prince Alexander Kurakin
Portrait of Prince Alexander Kurakin
The Election of Mikhail Romanov as Tsar
The Election of Mikhail Romanov as Tsar
The Taking of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible
The Taking of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible
Portrait of Paul I
Portrait of Paul I
View onto St. Michael’s Castle and Connetable Square in Saint Petersburg
View onto St. Michael’s Castle and Connetable Square in Saint Petersburg
View onto St. Michael’s Castle in Saint Petersburg from the Fontanka Side
View onto St. Michael’s Castle in Saint Petersburg from the Fontanka Side
Transferring the Tikhvin Icon of God from the Blessed Virgin to the Cathedral of the Dormiton in Tikhvin on 9 June 1798
Transferring the Tikhvin Icon of God from the Blessed Virgin to the Cathedral of the Dormiton in Tikhvin on 9 June 1798
Вид на Академию художеств и Кадетский корпус
Вид на Академию художеств и Кадетский корпус
Portrait of Countess Anna Bezborodko and her Daughters Lyubov and Cleopatra
Portrait of Countess Anna Bezborodko and her Daughters Lyubov and Cleopatra
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of Alexander Stroganov
Catherine II Promenading in the Tsarskoye Selo Park (With the Obelisk to Count Pyotr Rumyantsev's Victories in the Background)
Catherine II Promenading in the Tsarskoye Selo Park (With the Obelisk to Count Pyotr Rumyantsev's Victories in the Background)
Late 1800s — early 1810s
Portrait of Alexei Tomilov
Portrait of Alexei Tomilov
Portrait of Count Pavel Stroganov
Portrait of Count Pavel Stroganov
Portrait of Countess Sofia Stroganova
Portrait of Countess Sofia Stroganova
Portrait of Life Guard Colonel Yevgraf Davydov
Portrait of Life Guard Colonel Yevgraf Davydov
Portrait of the Member of the State Council and Collector Count Alexander Stroganov
Portrait of the Member of the State Council and Collector Count Alexander Stroganov
View of the Kazan Cathedral in St Petersburg
View of the Kazan Cathedral in St Petersburg
After 1810
Blessing a Militiaman in 1812
Blessing a Militiaman in 1812
A View from Petrovsky Island in St Petersburg
A View from Petrovsky Island in St Petersburg
The Imatra Falls in Finland
The Imatra Falls in Finland
View in Tivoli near Rome
View in Tivoli near Rome
Portrait of Ekaterina Avdulina
Portrait of Ekaterina Avdulina
Threshing Barn
Threshing Barn
A Peasant Boy Donning Bast Shoes
A Peasant Boy Donning Bast Shoes
Between 1823 and 1826
New Rome. Castel Sant'Angelo
New Rome. Castel Sant'Angelo
Death of Camilla, Sister of Horatius
Death of Camilla, Sister of Horatius
Italian Midday (Italian Girl Picking Grapes)
Italian Midday (Italian Girl Picking Grapes)
Mergellina Waterfront in Naples
Mergellina Waterfront in Naples
Terrace on the Sea Shore. Capuccini near Sorrento
Terrace on the Sea Shore. Capuccini near Sorrento
A View of Amalfi near Naples
A View of Amalfi near Naples
The end of the 1820s (1829?–1830?)
Naples on a Moonlit Night. Via Partenope and the Castel dell'Ovo
Naples on a Moonlit Night. Via Partenope and the Castel dell'Ovo
Late 1820s
View of Naples. Santa Lucia Waterfront
View of Naples. Santa Lucia Waterfront
Portrait of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, née Princess Friederike Charlotte of Württemberg, Wife of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, with her Daughter Grand Duchess Maria Mikhailovna
Portrait of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, née Princess Friederike Charlotte of Württemberg, Wife of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, with her Daughter Grand Duchess Maria Mikhailovna
The Picture Gallery of the Stroganov Palace
The Picture Gallery of the Stroganov Palace
The Last Day of Pompeii
The Last Day of Pompeii
Портрет Б. Торвальдсена
Портрет Б. Торвальдсена
Christ’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection
Christ’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection
Ariccia near Rome
Ariccia near Rome
Christ’s Appearance to the People
Christ’s Appearance to the People
Begun in 1836 and completed after 1855
Parade Celebrating the End of Millitary Action in the Kingdom of Poland on Tsaritsa Meadow in St Petersburg on 6 October 1831
Parade Celebrating the End of Millitary Action in the Kingdom of Poland on Tsaritsa Meadow in St Petersburg on 6 October 1831
Portrait of the Shishmareva Sisters
Portrait of the Shishmareva Sisters
Portrait of the Most Serene Princess Elizaveta Saltykova
Portrait of the Most Serene Princess Elizaveta Saltykova
The Brazen Serpent
The Brazen Serpent
Portrait of Countess Yulia Samoilova Retiring from a Ball with her Foster Daughter Amazilia Pacini. Unfinished
Portrait of Countess Yulia Samoilova Retiring from a Ball with her Foster Daughter Amazilia Pacini. Unfinished
Before 1843
Portrait of Alexei Yermolov
Portrait of Alexei Yermolov
A Russian Squadron on the Sevastopole Roadstead
A Russian Squadron on the Sevastopole Roadstead
A View of Constantinople by Moonlight
A View of Constantinople by Moonlight
The Heroism of Leonty Korenoi, Grenadier of the Finland Life Gurds Regiment, at the Leipzig in 1813
The Heroism of Leonty Korenoi, Grenadier of the Finland Life Gurds Regiment, at the Leipzig in 1813
View of Odessa on a Moonlit Night
View of Odessa on a Moonlit Night
A View onto a Weir
A View onto a Weir
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Fyodorovna. Wife of Grand Duke Nicholas Pavlovich, with her Children Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, Later Emperor Alexander II, and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, Later Wife of Duke Maximilian Josephe Eugene of Leuchtenberg and  Count Grigory Stroganov
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Fyodorovna. Wife of Grand Duke Nicholas Pavlovich, with her Children Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, Later Emperor Alexander II, and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, Later Wife of Duke Maximilian Josephe Eugene of Leuchtenberg and Count Grigory Stroganov
Mercury Brig Meeting a Russian Squadron after her Victory over Two Turkish Vessels
Mercury Brig Meeting a Russian Squadron after her Victory over Two Turkish Vessels
The Ninth Wave
The Ninth Wave
Young Widow
Young Widow
1850 (?)
The Major Makes a Proposal (Inspecting a Bride in a Merchant’s House)
The Major Makes a Proposal (Inspecting a Bride in a Merchant’s House)
Circa 1851
Ivan the Terrible Showing Treasures to the English Ambassador Jerome Horsey
Ivan the Terrible Showing Treasures to the English Ambassador Jerome Horsey

About collection

Ever since the Russian Museum was founded in 1895, the Russian school of painting of the eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth centuries has constituted the heart of its collection.

Eighty paintings were initially transferred to the Russian Museum from the Imperial Hermitage, including such masterpieces as Karl Brullov's The Last Day of Pompeii, Fidelio Bruni's The Brazen Serpent, Hovhannes Aivazovsky's The Ninth Wave, Henryk Siemiradzki's Shrine at the Festival of Poseidon at the Eleusinia, Vladimir Borovikovsky's Portrait of Murtaza Kuli Khanand Alexander Ivanov's Christ's Appearance to St Mary Magdalene.

The collection of the Russian Museum grew with the acquisition of 122 canvases from the Imperial Academy of Arts, among them Orest Kiprensky's Portrait of Yevgraf Davidov, Pyotr Basin's Susannah and the Elders and Alexei Venetsianov's The Threshing Barn. Other works were transferred from the Imperial collections in the Winter Palace, Alexander Palace in Tsarskoe Selo and Gatchina -- Karl Brullov's Portrait of Countess Yulia Samoilova Retiring from a Ball with her Adopted Daughter Amazilia Paccini, Vasily Tropinin's Guitarist and Girl with a Doll and Pavel Fedotov's The Major Makes a Proposal.

The collection of eighteenth-century portraiture was further enlarged in 1897, thanks to the acquisition of the collection of Prince Alexei Lobanov-Rostovsky. Besides portraits of Russian statesmen and aristocrats painted by Ivan Argunov and Dmitry Levitsky, the collection included many works by foreign masters working in Russia in the eighteenth century, including Johann Gottfried Tannauer, Georg Christoph Grooth, Pietro Antonio Rotari and Jean Louis Voille.

When it was officially opened in 1898, the Russian Museum thus possessed an outstanding collection of national art. The collection was nevertheless uncoordinated and incomplete, owing to the sometimes inconsistent nature of acquiring works. Although the new museum owned many of the most important paintings in the history of Russian art, many still remained in the Imperial collection. Works were selected according to academic principles; non-academic movements were largely ignored.

Chaired by Pyotr Neradovsky and including such leading art historians and curators as Albert Benois, Pyotr Brullov and Konstantin Lemokh, the Art Council of the Russian Museum played an important role in acquiring new works and augmenting the collection. Many masterpieces found their way into the museum through the enthusiastic support of collectors and connoisseurs of art. The Russian Museum thus acquired Alexei Antropov's Portrait of Maria Rumyantseva, Ivan Vishnyakov's Portraits of Sarah and Wilhelm Fairmore, Dmitry Levitsky'sPortrait of Anna Protasova, Fyodor Rokotov's Portrait of Countess Yelizaveta Santi and Portrait of Count Lev Santi, Vladimir Borovikovsky's Portrait of Yekaterina Arsenieva and paintings and modelli by such early-nineteenth-century masters as Orest Kiprensky and Alexander Ivanov.

The Russian Museum inherited many works of art following the confiscation of private collections following the revolution. In 1917, the museum was awarded over eighty studies by Alexander Ivanov for Christ's Appearance to the People from the Mikhail Botkin collection. Prince Vladimir Argutinsky-Dolgorukov's collection was transferred to the museum in 1918. Many paintings were acquired from the former Imperial palaces.

The redistribution of confiscated art work between museums was handled by the State Museum Fund. In 1922, the Russian Museum inherited the entire collection of the Academy of Arts Museum. Many works were traded among the Russian Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery and the Hermitage in the 1930's.

Thanks to the scope and profundity of its collection, the Russian Museum now ranks among the foremost galleries of Russian national art. The main criteria in the selection of works is historical and artistic value. Besides masterpieces of the eighteenth and early- to mid-nineteenth centuries, the museum also acquires studies, sketches and canvases by lesser-known artists, offering a deeper and more detailed insight into the history of Russian art.

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